Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Mains Pepper from the grinder Salt Thyme ...

Broccolien: Put broccolien in a bowl and pour boiling water over. Let them stand 20 min. Blend, the rest of the vegetables and season with mustard, sugar, salt, pepper, dill and vinegar. Let broccolien vinaigretten afdryppe perfectly, turn in and let it drag w

Cakes in form Icing sugar Liquid margarine Skimmed milk ...

Term cocoa, flour and baking powder together. Whisk eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar into a fluffy egg snaps. Mix careful cocoa, flour and baking powder in with the milk and oil margarine. Divide the batter into a small form on the ca. 20 x 25 cm lined with gr

Mains Jasmine Rice Very finely chopped spring onions Dybstegning oil (not olive oil) ...

Cut the chicken meat into long strips, about 1 cm wide and set it aside. Mix the egg yolk, water, soy, sherry and corn flour in a small bowl and stir until it is completely smooth. Pour egg mixture over chicken (in a plastic bag) and mix it well. Set it aside

Mains Marizena to jævning Oil for frying Pepper ...

Forcemeat is stirred with egg, onion, salt and pepper, and garlic and Add flour and a bit of water so it will have the consistency of Meatball sausage meat. Then FRY forcemeat as small meatballs in a deep sautepande in oil so they will be browned on both sides

Cakes in form Baking soda Desiccated coconut Wheat flour ...

Rhubarb is added in a heat-proof platter approx. (24 x 34 cm). Sugar sprinkled over. This set aside. Meanwhile, stir the sugar and margarine together in a bowl of eggs stirred in flour baking powder and desiccated coconut mix. in the dough. Everything is st

Appetizers White pepper A little selleritop or a soup may Salt ...

Cook tongues in water with udskivet onions and selleritop, about 1 hour. Peel the skin of the tongues and let them cool in the broth. Put husblasen to soak in cold water for 10 minutes Give the broth a rehash, and smelt it macerate opvredne isinglass herein

Cakes in form Lemon juice Bicarbonate of soda Vanilla sugar ...

Oven preheated to 180 degrees. Brush a 20 cm springform with melted butter or line it with wax paper. Butter and sugar whipped light and frothy. The eggs are added gradually. Whisk well between each addition. Finally add bananmos and vanilla sugar. The dough i

Cake add-ons Butter Honey Sugar ...

With håndmixeren whipped butter with sugar and honey. Pour the mixture over the map with cold water as quickly swung over the glaze and pour away. Whip again in 2 min and repeat the procedure with the cold water. Porceduren is repeated a total of 4 times. When