Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Mains Broccoli Sour cream flavored with horseradish, sugar and lemon Fresh bælgede peas ...

Sprinkle with salt and sugar poussinen and style it in the fridge overnight. Rinse and dry poussinen and got it in boiling water with slices of carrot, onion, bay leaf and thyme. Boil poussinen in 35 minutes and let it stand in boiling bed sheet 15 minut

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice Cinnamon, ground Sugar ...

Cut the apples into thin both cored. Mix brown sugar with cinnamon and cardamom in a bag. Put the apples in the bag and shake well. Put apple slices in a baking dish. Beat the egg yolks and sugar well, add the sour cream and lemon juice. Pour the mixture over

Desserts (cold) Vermicelli, mixed (select the flavor you want) Glucose Water ...

Wash and dry apples well. Remove stems and insert a stick into each Apple flowers. Boil sugar, water and glucose of excessive heat. Stir. Test on the sugar bed sheet is done by dipping a stick in bed sheet. When the sugar bed sheet on the stick will be like gl

Mains Pepper Salt Spring cabbage ...

Lamb boned and filled a club with minced garlic, parsley and Rosemary. There are laces and Brown by then rubbed into the Sage and sea salt. FRY rosa in the oven at about 200 degrees for approximately 40-45 minutes. The top cut of fennikelen, and the cut in pie

Mains Little friessé-salad Cucumber Alm. vinegar ...

Boil a liquid medium to rødløgene of red wine, honey, red wine vinegar,. bamboo salt and white pepper. It is poured over the onions and they must pull in about 2 hours on ice. The cucumbers must be freed from cores and cut into slices. And place in a layer

Desserts (patisserie) Possibly small fresh Peppermint leaves A little gold dust Red currant jelly ...

Grate the marcipanen on the delicate part of the tearing iron. Mix the icing sugar and antler salt well and term it in marcipanen. Beat the egg whites to a slight foam (not stiff). Tube marzipan mixture along with the egg whites to the macaroon batter. Fill it

Cakes Puff pastry Chocolate glaze Cinnamon ...

French snails are commonly made of puff pastry. Deploying thin dough (about ½ cm) to an oblong plate, which is then an activity with remonce and cinnamon. The dough rolled/rolled together to form a roulade/sausage, then cut out in (ca. 2-3 cm) wide pieces. On

Cakes Wienerbrødsdej Icing Butter ...

Roll the dough out on floured board into an oblong plate ca. 20 * 40 cm. Pipe the filling together and butter it on but not all the way to the edge. Sprinkle raisins on, and roll it along. Cut into 1 ½ cm pieces and put on the plate with wax paper. Press the s