Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Wheat flour ...

The flour sifted with salt and sugar. The yeast is mixed in a little of the milk, all mixed and kneaded. Recommended covered and the dough is increased to the double. Formes to bread made on a greased baking sheet or put in a greased form, after which the d

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Baking soda ...

Tørdelene sifted together, mix with the milk and knead thoroughly. The dough is shaped to bread made on a greased baking sheet, or put in a greased form, after which the dough surface is given some incisions with a sharp knife. Brushed with egg beaten to

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Whole milk ...

The flour sifted with salt and sugar. The milk is heated to about 30 degrees, and the yeast is mixed in a bit of this. All kneaded, made on a warm place and raised to the double. When the dough is raised to the double, molded it into a loaf of bread, which

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Yeast ...

The flour sifted with salt and sugar. The milk is heated to 28-30 degrees, and the yeast is mixed in a bit of this. The fat is melted in milk. All kneaded. Cover with lid or damp cloth, and raised approximately 1 hour, or to double the size. When the dough

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Yeast ...

The flour sifted with salt and sugar. The yeast is mixed in a little of the milk. All mixed and kneaded thoroughly. Made withdrawals in a dish, covered with a lid or a damp cloth. When the dough is raised to the double, kneaded, molded to the bread placed o

Bread, buns & biscuits Buttermilk Milk Water ...

The flour sifted with salt and sugar. Milk and water are heated to 28-30 degrees, the yeast is mixed in a bit of this. All mixed to a slightly cohesive dough that is recommended for withdrawal. Sour milk is added to cold. Covered with a lid or a cloth wrung ou

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Yeast ...

The flour sifted with salt and sugar. The milk is heated to 28-30 degrees, the yeast is mixed in a bit of this. All mixed to a slightly cohesive dough that is recommended for withdrawal. Covered with a lid or a cloth wrung out in cold water. When the dough

Desserts (cold) Wee almond oil Amaretto Cream ...

Krokant: melt the sugar without it becomes Brown and mix the almonds in. Grate that card and put krokanten onto a plate that is lubricated by oil-let it cool off. Chop finely and take 50 g from krokanten to Parfait'en. The rest is used to strew over dessterten