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Recipes with Salt

Cakes in form Grated lemon rind Salt Baking soda ...

Add the ingredients in the order in which they are written. The yeast always lasts. Program quick Let the cake cool in the bucket, the cake is loosened on the sides with a wooden pan (never metal). The chilled cake can be iced with icing or sprinkled wit

Mains Pepper Salt Marjoram or oregano ...

Put the sliced ​​potatoes in an ovenproof dish and sprinkle salt, pepper and parsley. Rub the calves with spices and put it on the potatoes. Distribute butter biscuits on the steps and pour broth on. Place the dish in the oven at 175 degrees C for 40-45 minute

Mains FAT to Brown the meat in the Salt Sauces suits ...

The meat is cut into the tern and brushed in a little fat in a saucepan. Slightly water is added and the meat is boiled until it is half-tender. Then add mushroom sprouts and spices and all boil until it's tender. Do not touch too much as the spoons go too muc

Mains Fat for frying Pepper Salt ...

Sprinkle the chops with salt and pepper and raise them to mild to even heat for 5-6 minutes. Coleslaw: Mix cabbage, onion, pepper and celery. Stir the cream fry with mustard and taste the dressing with vinegar, salt and pepper. Turn the vegetables in.

Sides 2 tbsp. Greek yoghurt Salt Small onions ...

Stir the avocados and remove the stone and peel. Mash the meat with a fork, get lemon juice immediately so that they do not turn brown. The tomatoes are rinsed in boiling water for half an hour and the skin is peeled off. Half the tomato and remove the kernels

Mains Chopped parsley and sour cream Nutmeg Pepper ...

Preheat the chicken with water, boullion dice, porridge, a carrot, half a onion and a fat garlic. Bring salt and pepper. If you cook for a little hour, the other ingredients can be made ready by cutting them. Onion sliced, garlic chopped finely and mushroom

Soups Pepper Salt Liquid grøntsagsboullion ...

The lid is peeled and chopped roughly. The lid is switched in a pan in the oil. The pears are cleaned and sliced ​​and put into the pan. The squash is cut into the tern and put into the pan. The potatoes are cut into pieces and put into the pan. Add 1 lite

Salads Pepper Salt Green peas. frozen ...

The peeled carrots are cut into small tern and boiled tenderly in salted water. Mayonnaise is seasoned with salt and pepper. Peas and carrots are served and the salad is ready for serving.