Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Salads Allspice, ground Hokaido Ginger, crushed ...

Half the pumpkin and scrape the cores. Cut the pumpkin in both and cut the peel off. Cut the fruit meat into smaller pieces. Mix the spices and turn the pork tenderloin together with them and the oil. Wrap it on baking paper on a baking sheet and baking

Sides Pepper Salt Water ...

Bring sugar, glucose, water and salt into a saucepan. Let it boil until it starts to brownish color, without much stirring (temperature 156?). Add mustard seeds and remove the pot from the heat. Dip a fork or spoon into the caramel and make the hand of the

Cakes Perfect strew (you can use real sugar) Margarine Brown sugar ...

Melt the grease, pour the water and let it become hand-warmed. Stir yeast out of it. Add sugar, egg and salt. Mix the flour in, (remember to save a little to sprinkle on the table). Let the dough rise for approx. 20 min. And mix the filling in between. Afte

Mains Pepper Salt Egg yolk ...

Dough: Bring flour and salt into a bowl. Cut the butter into smaller pieces and chop it into the flour with a knife until the mixture resembles the fried cheese. (Use your hands as little as possible - the dough must not get warm.) Add eggs and water and co

Dressing Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Mix it all together and style it in the refrigerator to pull at least one hour before serving.

Mains Pomegranate pure (almost an entire bottle) Corn flour to jævning Salt ...

The mixed walnuts are placed in a saucepan and about 1½ liters of water are added and boils for about 1 hour. The chicken is cut into small pieces. Onion is cut into small pieces and put on the pan in a little oil, then chop pieces of chicken, add some s

Mains Cinnamon Curry Mint ...

Combine the meat with the sliced ​​onion in a little oil in a saucepan. Tomato sauce, spices and ½ l of water are added and the dish boils on low heat for approx. 1 hour. Cut the celery celery into small pieces and chop the parsley. Both pieces are slic

Desserts (warm) Flour (until it is thick enough) Salt Sugar ...

Put eggs and milk in a bowl and whisk it well. Then put flour in after it has a good thickness. Put salt and sugar into taste. Make sure the forehead is warm, put some fat on it