Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Soups Basil Pepper Salt ...

Sweat onion in fat. Add grated carrot and potato. Then milk / cream. Add spices + boulion Boil for 10 min. + 5 min extra with cream cheese in. (As a main course, it may be served with meatballs i)

Cakes Salt Espresso powder Cocoa powder ...

1) Set the oven to 180 degrees. Cover a square frying pan (about 24x24 cm) with baking paper. Set it aside. 2) In a small cup, warm water is mixed with the espresso powder. Put it aside. 3) In a large bowl, sugar and butter are whipped (the butter must have

Desserts (warm) Lemon peel Vanilla sugar Salt ...

Whip egg, flour, salt, sugar, cream and water together and let the dough rest for 15 minutes. Add melted butter and bag small thin pancakes on a very hot forehead

Dressing Pepper Salt Chili pesto ...

Pour the chilli pesto into the yogurt and stir well. Add mustard and coriander and stir around. Season with salt and pepper. Put the dressing in the fridge a few hours before serving, so it can just pull a little and gather more flavor.

Sauces Basil Fresh pasta Chicken ...

Cut the onions and garlic and bacon fine, raise them until they are slightly brown. Then add chopped tomatoes and cream. Let it boil, then add Basil, Oregano, Pepper, Salt and Pepper to taste. Some Oregano must be used to get the right flavor. Let it cook litt

Mains Other spices as needed Grøntsagsbullion Kyllingebullion ...

First peel potatoes, carrots, onions and parsnips and cut into slices. The oil is poured into a pan where it is heated. When the oil is warm, the different spices are put in, to extract the flavor from them. Remember and stir in the pan. It does not matter th

Mains Pepper Salt Stick cinnamon ...

Begin to soak the beans overnight. Pour the water from the beans when they are soaked and bring them some salt for about ½ hour. There must still be a bite in them. Cut the beef in pieces and cut most of the fat. Heat the grease grease / oil into a large

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Bring the dad into a bowl and all the ingredients in it, knead it all together well into four steaks. Put bacon around the edge and staple it with a toothpick. Bring margarine on the forehead and raise them until they are well brown on both sides. Served with