Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Flour for the dough never sticks longer Pearl sugar ...

The yeast is poured into the lukewarm milk. Sugar, salt, vanilla, egg and shell / juice from orange are added and stirred well together. Finally, knead the dough until it is even and no longer stick. The dough then raises for 30 minutes. Then the dough i

Lunch Chili Garlic Pepper ...

Pour the bulgus into a pan and let it boil for a few minutes. Take the feta cheese and cut it into small thin slices and put them on a baking pan in a 175 C oven until they turn into some chips. Chop perilla, tomatoes and peppers and put them down to the bulgu

Desserts (warm) Salt Lemon/lemon juice Grahams ...

Mix it all together in a bowl and stir well so there are no lumps possibly. Little butter on the forehead of the first pancake so they do not stick.

Lunch (to go) Curry Nutmeg Chives ...

Put the eggs over boiling, let them be lightly boiled. Boil a potato in well salted water. Chop reddish in small tern, the same is done with egg and potato. Add cottage cheese and mayonnaise. Taste with salt, nutmeg and curry. Turn with some freshly sliced ​​c

Lunch Vinegar Sugar Onions, diced ...

The herring is layered with salt / sugar mixture. Vinegar poured over Must stand until they leave for 1-2 weeks Clean and tear the herring - rinse well If very salty - dilute 2-3 hours Stir with a mixture of sugar / vinegar and herb mixture. Stand 2-3

Mains Grated cheese Salt Potatoes ...

The potatoes are peeled, cut into the tern and boiled. They then mashed into a bowl. The bacon is roasted on the forehead and mixed in the carols. Tomatoes and onions are sliced ​​and mixed with cream fraiche. Then chop the garlic and pour into the mixture.

Desserts (cold) Cream Salt Almonds ...

Rice flour: pour 1½ liters of milk and rice in a thickened pot. Slice the vanilla sticks along and scrape the vanilla kernels with a knife. Put the vanilla kernel and vanilla bars in the pan and heat up with mild heat while stirring. Let it boil for 2-4 minute

Mains Pepper Salt Dried thyme ...

The vegetables are prepared and placed in a saucepan with 3.5 L of salted water. The water must cover the vegetables. Vegetables are cooked until they are tender with bites, approx. 13 min. The vegetables are picked up and stored. Vegetable water, now the