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Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The dough: The milk is lunes and the yeast is thrown out. Sugar, salt and oil are stirred in. Rye flour and wheat flour are added. Keep some of the wheat flour back. The dough is well kneaded, covered with a dish and put to a standstill for approx. 30 min.

Bread, buns & biscuits Oatmeal, finvalsede Oil Salt ...

The yeast is fermented in malt beer. Honey, oil, salt, rye flour and wheat flour are added. Keep some of the flour back. The dough is covered with a dish and extends for approx. 1½ hours. The dough is well kneaded. The dough is formed into a large bread. Pl

Mains Jævning Pepper Salt ...

The spring bulbs are cleansed and cut into slanted pieces of approx. 2 cm. The spring bulbs are easily exchanged in the fat. Broth is added. The cauliflower is divided into small bouquets and come in. Sugar peas and minima are cut into slanted pieces of ap

Bread, buns & biscuits Oatmeal, finvalsede Oil Salt ...

The yeast is fermented in malt beer. Honey, oil, salt, rye flour and wheat flour are added. Keep some of the flour back. The dough is covered with a dish and extends for approx. 1½ hours. The dough is well kneaded. The dough is divided into 18 equal p

Pickling EVS. preservative Cayenne pepper Whole cinnamon ...

Cut the melon into both and scrape the kernels. Cut the peel off and fry the meat in small pieces. Mix the flour in a bowl of finely chopped onions, raisins, white wine vinegar and spices. Put on the lid and give it 5 min. At full power 600W. Stir around a cou

Mains Jævning Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

The fish fillet is laid in an ovenproof dish. Celery and carrots are roughly torn and the cuts are cut into thin slices. The vegetables are spun in the margarine. White wine or fish broth is poured and the vegetables cook for approx. 5 minutes. The cream i

Soups Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

The potatoes are peeled and cut into large cubes. The onions are peeled and cut into quarters. The garlic peeled and chopped. The celery is peeled and cut into cubes. The carrots are peeled and cut into slices. The tomatoes are peeled and chopped. The parsley

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Squash and onion cut into thin slices and place in a ovenproof dish. Mix the beef with salt, pepper, oatmeal and milk. It is formed into 4 steaks, which are baked on a dry forehead and placed in the dish. Mushrooms are cleaned, cut into quarters and shak