Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

The fathers are stirred together with salt, pepper, onions, oatmeal and milk. Draws 10-15 minutes in the refrigerator. The potatoes are boiled in leachate water. Cauliflower boil until it is tender, approx. 12-14 min. Take up and keep warm. Butter and flour ar

Mains Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Divide the meat into 6 and form it to high steaks. Spice them around the sides with salt and pepper. Slice the slices through and tie a strip about each steak with a cotton thread. Brown them on both sides in the very hot butter and put them on a dish. Bring t

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

meatballs: Chop onion and garlic. Cut cornichones into small pieces and stir them in the meat together with the other ingredients. Melt butter on a forehead and shape fritters of the farmer. Fry the browns for approx. 2 min. On each side, turn to medium heat

Sauces Pepper Salt Honey ...

Slice the pears into thin rings, rinse them and drop them in a sieve. Sweat the leeks and the thyme in the butter until the pores are soft. Add the honey and vinegar and boil. Add broth and boil for approx. 5 min. Stir maizena with thick milk and stir in the s

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Stir chopped meat with salt and pepper. Stir flour and egg in and then stir the milk for a little while. The father may want to rest 1 hour before the balls are boiled. Bring a pan with salted water in boil. Form the balls with a tablespoon and put them in the

Mains Pepper Salt English sauce ...

Stir the chopped meat together with breadcrumbs, chopped onion, battered egg and half of the tomato paste and broth. Spice with English sauce, mustard, oregano, salt and pepper. Let the father rest. Rinse and nip while spinach. Vaporize it in the water that

Mains A little parsley Nykogte you Salt ...

Bring the water to a boil with a little salt and bay leaf. Bring the meat and foam froth until it starts to boil again. Turn down. Let the meat boil softly under the lid for 45 minutes. Keep the meat warm in the soup. Cut the onions in thin boats. Cut the a

Mains Cauliflower head Water Kalvebov or-chest ...

Cut the meat into large pieces and place it in a large pot and cover with cold water added salt. Bring the water to boil and foam thoroughly. The meat is boiled soft under low approx. 1½ hours. In ½ liter of the soup, cauliflower and crushed carrots are boi