Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Appetizers A packet of frozen fillet boards Salt White wine ...

Clean and cook asparagus approx. 10 minutes in salted water (2 teaspoons per liter). Cool them. The butter dough is rolled out to a thickness of ½ cm. Cut 8 triangles (7 cm on each side). Lay them 2 and 2 on top of each other. Brush with egg and press the t

Appetizers Pepper Salt Milk ...

Whip flour and water together in a bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and leave the dough for half an hour. Pour the dough into thin pancakes on a medium-sized pan. Cut the bottom of the asparagus, rinse them and cook them 5 min. In leachate water. Drain t

Appetizers Fresh asparagus Dry franskbrøds crumb Butter ...

Cut the lower tree foot of the asparagus. Bring them to the salty boiling water and boil them 2-3 minutes. Let them drip and put on a hot dish. Shake the breadcrumbs golden in a little of the butter. Melt the rest of the butter and pour over the asparagus. Spr

Lunch Salt Butter Fresh white asparagus ...

Peel asparagus and cut the root of approx. 3 cm up. Make 2 bundles of asparagus and tie them up with a little frying pan. Boil them with the tips upwards for approx. 15-20 minutes in low salt water. Picked up and spread evenly on 4 plates. Melt half of the but

Salads Pepper Salt Spring onions ...

Clean the asparagus and cut them into appropriate slices. Also clean and cut onions and radishes. Whip vinegar together with mustard and add the oil a little at a time. Season with crushed garlic, salt and pepper. Turn the vegetables with the dressing an

Appetizers Salt Water Parsley, fresh ...

Gently peel the asparagus from head to root and cut off the bottom hard piece. Bring the asparagus in boiling water with salt and boil them with low heat and under low for approx. 6-8 min. They must be tender but not soft. Peel the asparagus, put them in a

Appetizers Pepper Salt Cream ...

The wooded end is broken by the asparagus and steamed in leachate water for 5 minutes. sauce: The loaf is chopped and swirled in butter. The wine is added and cooked to half. Broth and saffron are added. Cream and corn starch together and stir in the sauce

Appetizers Pepper White wine vinegar Salt ...

The trapped ends are broken off and the asparagus is placed in a pan of lame salted water. They are cooked for 6-8 minutes and drips and put on a dish. The eggs are chopped and sprinkled over the asparagus. The ingredients for the dressing are combined t