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Recipes with Salt

Sauces Or after own taste Origano Pepper ...

1. take a pan of suitable size, where after you put it on a plate when it is hot. 2. A little margerine then FRY the sausages, when Brown met to sample. 3. tilsætteskryderierne after taste. 4. Now comes the chopped beef in, which allows it to be quite enoug

Mains Suit Pepper Parsley (dried) ...

Fry the diced bacon in pan until brown and crispy. take bacon diced up and roast duck or pheasant in half until golden. Put half of the bacon, and apologise for, by, along with cream and dried parsley, cook 1 hour. Take ducks or pheasants up and put them in a

Cakes in form Cardamom Salt Eggs ...

The milk is poured into a dish, lunes and dissolve the yeast in it. Remember the yeast must not be heated with. Wheat flour and the other ingredients mixed in, and it all kneaded together into a uniform dough, which raises to double size for about 15 minutes i

Mains Suit Margerine Pepper ...

Cook the spaghetti in salted water. At the same time increased the minced beef in a small dollop of margerine. It should FRY for reasonable high heat. Add colour to the right color is reached. Season with salt and pepper. When the spaghetti is cooked, and drai

Desserts (cold) Almonds Salt Whole milk ...

The rice porridge: Boil the evt. the day before. mix the grits, salt and milk in a pan, and boil it up, let it cook for a few minutes, wrap it in newspaper, blanket and duvet, and let it stand for two hours, so it has created itself finished. Cool it off.

Mains Pepper White cabbage Salt ...

Section hvidkåls head in small pieces Cut the carrots into small pieces Cut the potatoes into small cubes Cut the onion into small pieces Swich onion and ground beef in (a very big) saucepan along with the bacon and Brown it. Add the cabbage, carrots, b

Dressing Salt Food-oil Lemon juice ...

Blend the eggs in a blender for 2 minutes. Add the garlic, lemon and water and blend even 1 minute. Add the oil in 3 laps where you blender a little each time you Add a bit of oil. Tips: It is super yummy to eat next to chicken or fries. It can also be use

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Rub cod steaksne with a little salt and pepper and place them in an ovenproof dish. Wash the lemons well, grate it finely and sprinkle the shell over the cod steaksne. Drizzle with lemon juice and ½-1 tbsp olive oil (you can use butter instead of oil, the ta