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Recipes with Salt

Sides Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Sauté onion and garlic in oil, finhakket until onions are clear, but has not taken any significant color. Sprinkle paprika over and let it sear a little vinegar and add the broth with.. Make peberfrugten able and cut it into cubes. Peel the tomatoes by dipping

Salads Chopped parsley or chives Pepper Salt ...

Rinse the cucumbers and cut them into slices so thin as possible. Mix oil, vinegar, salt and pepper and pour over the cucumbers. Set the cold. Grate nuts 10 min in the oven at 200 degrees. Cool them off. Sprinkle nuts and parsley or chives over just before

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Who cut a lid of græskarret, go it udkernes with a spoon. Spinach chopped coarsely and mix with ricotta, egg yolks and breadcrumbs. It is seasoned with salt, pepper and nutmeg. There sprinkled salt and pepper in the hollowed-out pumpkin. filling in. Putting

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour Eggs Oil ...

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water. Add the oil, egg, salt and sugar. Stir. Add the flour to the dough does not stick. Behind the middle of the oven about 15 mins. Tips: And then you have the grandmother ´ s delicious buns! UM:-)

Cakes Or Salt Icing ...

Findel yeast in dejfadet. Pour the milk in and stir the yeast out. Add half of the flour, salt and sugar. Stir in the softened butter in. Got most of the flour in and stir the batter well. Save a little flour for later deployment. Take the dough out on the

Mains Spices after own needs Pepper Salt ...

Chilli pot: melt butter, saute the chopped onion and garlic. Add the meat and fry it. Then add the minced chili pepper, beans in chili sauce, water, salt, spices. The Court boiled in low heat for approx. 10 min. Rissalat: Boil the rice in the water and

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon (juice and grated to be) ...

Saute garlic in oil. Add the rice and sauté in 2 minutes. Add the broth, white wine, lemon juice and half the amount of grated lemon zest, salt, pepper and thyme. Cook the rice, stirring until tender, but with "bite". Remote shell on the thawed shrimp. Whe

Mains Marinade view marinade for spareribs Salt Ribs ...

Cook the legs in 3 neighbourhood brush marinade on while they're hot Let them soak for 2 hours or more Got a little salt on. Got them on the grill (indirect) in 4 min on each side. With lid Or in a rib holder 8 min with the lid on the grill. Tips: It