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Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Rose paprika ...

The courgettes are made and cut into thin slices. Onion and garlic chopped. The eggs, milk, salt, pepper and rosemary pepper are whipped together. The potatoes are peeled and cut into slices. The olive oil is heated on a slick light-pan. Zucchini, onions, gar

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

The onions are cut into fine strips. Garlic cloves press. The oil is heated in a wide pot. The rabbits are salted and turned into flour. They are oiled on each side until golden brown and then taken up by the pot. The onions and garlic are brought in and roast

Mains Pepper Salt Strong mustard ...

The onions are chopped finely, roasted in the butter and allowed to cool. The spoon is soaked for 10 minutes in hot water and the water is squeezed out. The chopped meat is brought together with bread, egg, salt, pepper and mustard. 2-3 tablespoons of oil is

Mains Parsley, fresh Salt Potatoes ...

Place the medisin sauce in plenty of salty water and bring to a boil, take 5-10 minutes in the water. The sausage is cut into pieces approx. 10 cm. And fry on a griddle or greasy frying pan 8-10 minutes. Boil the vegetables in the cooking water from the

Lunch Spice Salt Water ...

Tartar Dried with flour, margarine water and a little salt. About half of the dough is rolled out and a frying pan is added. Potatoes peel and cut thinly - preferably on food processes. The onions are cut and mixed with the potatoes and filled into the pie.

Mains Pepper Salt Mornay sauce ...

Put water over to the pasta and when the water boils the pasta is poured, pour a little salt into the water. Pour the corn sauce into a medium-sized pot and heat it with low heat. Step the bacon nuts on the forehead until they are almost brown. Then pour the

Mains Mango chutney Pepper Salt ...

Cut the slice into the tern and wrap them on a pan in oil together with squeezed garlic. When golden, add the chicken. When the chicken is cooked, add the curry paste, approx. A big spit, but it depends on the strength you want. Stir the pasta well into the c

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Melted cooled butter (not magarine) Danish water ...

Yeast is piped out with a little Danish water, salt is stirred in, cooled butter is stirred and sugar is brought in, the rest of the Danish water comes in and it will shower up. Mel comes in a little at a time and kneaded until the dough is smooth. Raises for