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Recipes with Red bell pepper

Mains Eggplant Finely chopped herbs Yellow bell pepper ...

The vegetables are cut into coarse pieces which are spun. Mix all the ingredients for marinade and add the spears for at least one hour. Then grill or step in the oven until golden. The rice is boiled according to the instructions on the package and the rest o

Mains Oregano Red bell pepper Red wine vinegar ...

Pile and crush the garlic and mix it with the other ingredients for marinade. Remove the barriers from the darkness, cut it into pieces 4 x 4 cm and put them in the marinade. Mix and leave it cold for 2-3 hours. Cut the peppers into large cubes and dip the

Mains Lemon juice Curry Chicken fillet without skin ...

Cut the meat for approx. 3 x 4 cm. pieces. marinade: Findel chopped in a mortar with coarse chopped onion and mix with cumin, curry, ginger and salt. The mixture is poured into a paste and stirred in the oil gradually. Bring the meat and let it marinate fo

Salads Apple Banana Green bell pepper ...

The peppers are smashed in the middle. Stilke and cores are removed. The shells are flushed. The apple is washed, divided. Core house, flower and stem removed. The apple and the peeled banana are cut into cubes, mixed and poured with mayonnaise, flavored with

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Sea salt Juice of 1 lime fruit ...

The salmon fillets are sprinkled with salt and pepper and lime juice and grilled approx. 3 min. on every side. The noodles are boiled as directed on the package and cooled. Squash and carrot rip on the coarse grater and mix with the noodles. Mushrooms ar

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Stir the ingredients together except the rasp. Cut the top of the peppers, rinse and clean them. The fathers are filled in the peppers and the rasp is sprinkled over it. The stuffed peppers are placed in a dish so they get up - and grilled on the insi

Mains Dill Organic lemons Olive oil ...

Clean the mushrooms and the scallops to the spikes. Take the shells off the prawns, but let the tail be seated. Also remove the intestinal cord. Cut the salmon into small rectangles as indicated above. Let all these ingredients marinate for at least 1 hour in

Salads A pinch of dill A pinch of salt and pepper Shunning naturel ...

Tuna, corn, peas are mixed together in a bowl Cut the peppers and the golden roots into small pieces and pour into the mixture Pour the shells and stir well together Taste with pepper, salt and dill or other spices :)