Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Oregano

Mains Oil Oregano Paprika ...

Pasta cooking: put a pot three quarters full with water. Got a little oil and 1ts. salt in. screw up on the highest burner on the hob and put a lid on the pot. When the water boils, the pasta in. When water boils again, you must take time. Pasta must boil with

Mains Basil Chilli Fresh chilli ...

Kartofflerne: pour into a baking pan, garlic crushed and place in a Meljævnersammen spices, smear with olive oil and rystets well. put them in 30-40 my ovenen. The steaks: Steaks are shaped as ordinary steaks, seasoned with salt and pepper, and Brown pg be

Mains Different fresh chopped vegetables Pepper Salt ...

Chopped onions and crushed garlic FRY cope in the oil at medium heat for 4 minutes without taking colour. Add the oregano, ancho chili pepper, broth and corn style and let Cook for 10. My without a lid on low heat. The tomato flesh halved, remove the cores

Mains Mushroom Cream el cream fine Green bell pepper ...

Take a frying pan. When it is hot added bacon at (which is cut into slices). Then ham, mushrooms and finally bell peppers (so it will not be soft). So approx. 0.5 dl. hot water with dissolved cube in. Finally, cream and spices. Tips: Bacon can be cut out w

Mains Salt Peeled tomatoes or 6 fresh tomatoes Oil ...

Dough: Yeast is mixed into the water. After which the salt, oil and flour are added and the dough is mixed through. Made to uplift a warm place approximately ½ hour. The dough is divided into 8 pieces, which are massively to circles (15-16 cm in diameter). The

Mains Other spices according to taste Chili powder Dark Rum ...

Heat olive oil in a saucepan. Grate the onion into the Pan and fry the meat in the Pan and Brown. come it. It is important that the meat will be divided into small pieces, otherwise it is not stuck on spaghetti when eating. Tomato puree and spices came in the

Dressing Pepper Lemon juice thereof Coriander ...

Mix all ingredients except mustard and sour cream. Let it soak an hour and add the mustard and sour cream. Let it soak for more before serving. Add if necessary. honey or cane sugar (not dansukker/danisco) if it seems a little too bitter. Tips: A splendid

Mains Lemon juice Oregano Grated cheese ...

The potatoes cut in thin slices Roast onion and garlic in butter in a large frying pan clear and place the potato slices on so that they cover the entire paden. Season with salt pepper and lemon juice and let it småstege in 10 minutes at low heat. Whisk eggs a