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Recipes with Oregano

Mains Salt Oregano Paprika ...

Heat the oven to 300 degrees. Arrow the prawns with the exception of the tail shell. Clean and rinse them well and put them in a large skillet greased with it most of the olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and paprika and style shrimp in the oven. After seven mi

Mains Possibly 100-200 grams of feta cheese Possibly 8 Tbsp. red wine Pepper ...

Share the meat into four pieces. Put 4 incisions in each and every connector small slices with garlic in. Take a suitable piece of aluminum foil so that it will be room for all the ingredients inside. Butter a little butter on the foil. Put a piece of meat

Mains Milk Some black olives Baking soda ...

Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Mix butter and oregano in. stir egg and milk enough to that it will be a soft dough. Roll out on a lightly floured surface to a circle of 5 cm. expand the dough to fill a large skillet. Place the dough in a light

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Heat the oil in a large skillet. Add the onion, minced garlic and green pepper and FRY in in my. Add minced beef and Spice mixture. When it is done, add vinegar, salt and pepper. mix all ingredients for the sauce in a foodprocesser. Crush taco shells in

Mains Salt Thyme Kaninryg (tenderloin) ...

Rabbit tenderloin cut into small pieces. Onion, garlic chopped. Mushrooms cleaned and cut into large slices. All FRY in a pan. Water and tomato ketchup added. Spices added. The Court småkoger in 45 min. Add Cream and sauce smoothed over. Served with spaghet

Mains Pepper Salt Celeriac ...

Cut the meat into cubes of 1 x 1 cm. Crack the Chili's and remove the seeds. Then chop the chilies, onion and garlic finely. Sauté it all in oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add the spices, tomatoes cut into cubes and water. Let it all småsimre, covered, for

Mains Flour Pepper Salt ...

Brown the meat in the Pan so that the meat will be closed all the way around. It is taken by the forehead. The finely divided vegetable Sauté without taking colour. The pork vegetables in the bottom of a small roasting pan or ovenproof dish. The meat sha

Mains Grated cheddar cheese Cumino (cumin) Habanero chili ...

The onions cut into cubes and sauté in a pan with garlic, oregano, cumino, habanero chili, and red chili powder. Add the water, boil up and skimmed. Then add pork meat which is cooked tender in about 1 – 1 ½ hour. The meat is taken up and allow to cool slightl