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Recipes with Oregano

Desserts (warm) Chili spice Wheat flour Oil ...

Boil the water, pour it into a bowl and mix it with the oatmeal. Leave it for approx. 10 min. Add the rind grated from a glue, some juice from it, grated carrot, milk, eggs and spices. Add oil. Finally add flour while stirring until it has a consistency

Soups Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Season onions and garlic in the olive oil. Then add oregano and paprika and let it sweat for a couple of minutes. Bring chopped tomatoes, tomato sauce and boulion in. Let it simmer for 20 minutes. Then the soup is mixed with milk and salted with salt and peppe

Soups Pepper Salt Oregano ...

Cut onion and garlic. Cut the tomatoes into half (no more, the soup should be blended later). Step bacon into your pan. Pick it up Stir in garlic cloves garlic and onion. Bring the tomato paste together with the onions. Add the tomatoes and the sun-dried toma

Mains Peas (frost) Basil Bechamel ...

Turn on 200 degrees (hot air) Brown the meat and onions. Then add all the other ingredients close to bechamel. Then alternately put meat with a little bechamel on top and lasagne plates. Saw it in the preheated oven for about 25min Just say a man next

Mains Basil Olive oil Oregano ...

The lid is chopped and sliced ​​in olive oil on the pan with sausages or bacon until golden. Salt, pepper, basil and oregano are added to taste. Green beans and peas are boiled in water with a little salt added and then turned into the mixture on the pan af

Mains Basil Chili Chili sauce (preferably sweet) ...

The chicken meat is cut into the tern as you wish. Onions halve lengthwise (cut the ducks off) and then again along in three-four slices. Carrots are peeled and cut into three and then in strips. - Bring oil to a wok or sautepande. Join the onions togethe

Mains Coarse salt Oregano Pepper blend ...

Cut chilipeberne into strips, chop the bulbs in large pieces, chop 4 cloves of garlic and chop mushrooms into slices. Form the beef to 4 steaks and raise them on each side until they have a little color. Put each steak on a large piece of silver paper and put

Mains 1 red chilli (like dried) or jalapenos Apple Cucumber ...

- Butter a alm. Size dish. - Switch on the oven at approx. 200 degrees (hot air) - Onions, peppers, carrots (& lt; peeled) and cut into cubes. - Find a big pot. Oil comes in and then the onions along with oregano, basil, chili or spices to taste. - When go