Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Eggs Sunflower kernels ...

The carrots are peeled and rubbed roughly. Stir yeast into the lukewarm water. It all mixes and kneels well. Raises loose and covered with a dishcloth approx. 1 hour. Shaped into 24 buns. Raises 20 minutes. Brush with egg and baked at 210 degrees C. a

Cold cuts Isinglass Dådyrbov with legs Fresh thyme ...

The toppings are blanched, then placed in a pot of water, boiled and rinsed. Then add the reconstituted vegetables and spices. This is cooked now that the animal tree is well tender. Cool the top of the dish, cut the meat and cut it into small terns. The spray

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Margarine brune in a pan and add onions, carrots, celery and garlic. The spoon slices are seasoned with salt and pepper and dried thyme. Turn in flour and brune in olive oil. The vegetables are laid in a refractory dish, the browned pieces of meat are on top,

Mains Fresh or dried thyme Pepper Salt ...

Start cutting the pheasas in pieces and rubbing them with salt, pepper and thyme. Then clean all the vegetables and cut them into thin slices. Put the vegetables in an ovenproof dish, sprinkle some salt and pepper and pour broth. Then put the pheasant pieces o

Soups Flûtes Paprika Pepper ...

The animal legs are easily spiced with salt, pepper and paprika and browned in the oven. Meanwhile, clean the vegetables (cabbage, carrots, pimento, celery, parsley and pepper). The legs are taken up. The onions are cut into smaller cubes and browned with b

Mains Salt Soy sauce Sugar peas ...

Place the limestone strips in a freezer bag. Whip all the ingredients into marinade and pour it into the freezer bag for the turkey sauce. Turn meat and marinade well and let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least 10 minutes. All vegetables are cleane

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The dough: The milk is lunes and the yeast is thrown out. Sugar, salt and oil are stirred in. Rye flour and wheat flour are added. Keep some of the wheat flour back. The dough is well kneaded, covered with a dish and put to a standstill for approx. 30 min.

Mains Jævning Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

The fish fillet is laid in an ovenproof dish. Celery and carrots are roughly torn and the cuts are cut into thin slices. The vegetables are spun in the margarine. White wine or fish broth is poured and the vegetables cook for approx. 5 minutes. The cream i