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Recipes with Buttermilk

Cakes Vaniliesukker Cacao Margarine ...

Margarine and sugar are stirred to a lot. The eggs are added one at a time, the rest of the ingredients are sifted together with the flour. Everything is stirred together with the milk. Bake at 200 degrees for approx. 30 min. tips: Can also be spoken with

Desserts (cold) Cream Buttermilk Vaniliefløde ice cream ...

Let the ice slowly dissolve in a bowl. Among yams and buttermilk. The cream is whipped when the ice is close to the finish. The ice is mixed and the cream turns in as the last one. Let it pull in my fridge. 1 hour. Taste with the possible ciron. Server wit

Desserts (cold) Juice of a lemon and must Vanilla Buttermilk ...

The eggs are stirred with sugar and vanilla - the buttermilk is added and the soup is seasoned with lemon peel and lemon juice. tips: For this delicious dish you can also straw strawberries or whatever please.

Various Lemon Buttermilk Junket ...

Egg whites and sugar are whipped together well. Tykmæk and buttermilk are poured in and whipped together. Vanilla bars are cut into the middle and pull the vanilla grains out and put in the milk mixture, including all the bars. Whip well The peel from the lem

Cakes Vanilla sugar Milk Salt ...

Eggs, sugar and salt are whipped. The flour is poured alternately with milk and buttermilk. Let the dough rest for 10 min. in the fridge. tips: You can choose to come margarine on the forehead before each pancake or possibly. Get liquid margarine in the

Bread, buns & biscuits Beer Yeast Pumpkin seeds ...

All ingredients are stirred together for about 10 minutes. With hand muffs or in a stirrer. Fill in the lubricated rye bread. Put the dough on the fridge and leave it for up to 7 days. The longer it stands, the more sour becomes the bread. When baking th

Bread, buns & biscuits 1 tbsp. remember (according to melblanding) Coarse salt Buttermilk ...

Squash, honey, oil, water and buttermilk are mixed. (If you use plain yeast, spread into 6 dl water) Mel, Tørgær, husk, cardamom and salt mix well. The dry ingredients are added to the squash mixture gradually. Use a stirrer or hand mixer with part hooks. The

Appetizers A handful of fresh dill Pepper Salt ...

Take the tomatoes and remove the "flower". Cut them for 3 Even slices. Cut red slices into slices. Put alternately 1 slice of tomato, one pair of red onions and put on top of each other until you have put the last tomato slice. Shake the bacon on the fo