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Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains Carrots Chefs leash Bay leaves ...

Lamb boned and added up the mallet in a large dish with fresh rosemary, lemons sliced, onions in rings (put also løgskallerne down in), 1 bottle of white wine, carrots in large pieces and individual cloves garlic. The dish covered with foil and placed in the r

Mains Freshly ground pepper Garlic oil Olive oil ...

Buy a Danish leg of Lamb with the butcher and ask him to cut the leg from the hip, but let the shank sit on. Cut the shank of (you can also ask the butcher about it), and got it in a pan and cover it with cold water. When it has been given a rehash, skimmed it

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

In a frying pan Brown the chicken pieces in olive oil, well on all sides. getting both kinds of onions into the dish mushroom, tomatoes, white wine and herbs, remember Laurel leaves, season with salt and pepper, boil gently, covered, approx. 35 min. remove the

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped parsley ...

Scrape the fish and cut the fins off, rinse them quickly in cold water and dry them, cut them into approximately 8 cm long pieces. Put them on a Board with skin side down and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Stuffing: chop them coarsely and Darin Arrow t

Lunch Celeriac Apple vinegar Apple ...

Herring filters lubricated with dijon mustard. Leek and celery cut into thin strips, and place the envelopes in the herring filters and rolled. Lage: Vinegar cooked up with honey, Bay leaves and pepper. The hot syrup poured over the warm and the place in th

Mains Dill, fresh Pepper Salt ...

Sprinkle the plaice fillets with salt and pepper, a little lemon juice well with Dill on the one page. Roll the salmon fillets into the plaice fillets with the spicy side toward the salmon. Take a small dish. Put water, white wine, crushed garlic, coriander

Lunch White pepper to taste Salt according to taste Sugar ...

Sprinkle the fillets with salt and let them soak 10 min. Rinse and dry them. The iron warm with mustard and sprinkle with pepper. Chop one onion and favor it at herrings, herrings and scroll accordingly. Put them side by side in a deep pan. Boil brine, to the

Mains Corn flour Pepper Salt ...

Make vegetables the istand and mix them with red wine and spices for a marinade which poured over expensive roast. It must pull uncovered in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, like the next day. Take the roast out of the marinade and dry. SI marinade.