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Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains A bit of wheat flour to sprinkle Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

Fill a pot halfway with water and add a lemon, cut in half, 1 bay leaf, vinegar and a little salt. Cut the stems of the artichokes. Starting from the base of the Artichoke and cut with a vegetable knife all the leaves away and then remove the artichoke bear

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees. Season rinse with salt and pepper and Brown it on a pan. Put it on a ovnrist. Peel parsley roots and cut them into smaller pieces. Share white onion. Put parsley roots in a heat-proof serving dish and add the water, wine, garli

Lunch Salt Black malabar pepper Freshly ground malabar pepper ...

Fillets can possibly be split lengthways if they are large. The flesh side sprinkled with chopped onion and salt and Malabar pepper and rolled. The rollers are made at the bottom of a pot, so they keep each other standing firm. Lagen boil together in a second

Lunch Dill, fresh Little pickle from the herrings Sherry. dry ...

Cut herrings into 2-2 ½ cm wide pieces. Layer: crush the juniper berries, peppercorns and Bay easily. Boil the ingredients for brine, except sherry, together, home, if desired. with ¼ dl sugar and came to taste more sherry in brine is chilled, of. Herrin

Soups Fresh herring Carrots Minced parsley ...

Fresh herring is cleaned well. Cut into 2 parts and cooked with onion, whole pepper, Bay leaves and a bunch of parsley. The herrings are picked up and kept warm. Soup bake up and add possibly little fish soup. The soup is boiling. Carrots, celery and peeled wh

Lunch Bay leaves Letknuste fennel seeds Sugar ...

Aromatic sildefileterne rinse, run by, trimmed, cut into slices on the bias, and place in a bowl. Vinegar, sugar, Bay leaves, fennel seeds, dill and peppercorns gets a slight rehash and cool. The marinade is filtered and poured over the warm, which then pulls

Lunch Oil Tomato ketchup Wine-vinegar ...

Spiced warm rinse, run by, trimmed and cut into slices on the bias. Wine-vinegar gets a slight rehash with sugar and Bay leaves, and cool. Tomato ketchup and oil together whipped carefully. Half of the chopped onion added with sherry and paprika in which vineg

Lunch Water Carrot Small piece of ginger ...

Rinse the Shad and put them in cold water for 24 hours. Change the water from time to time. Scrape them for slime and scales and fins of the clip. Cut herring up and clean and rinse them. Wipe them inside and outside, neither fur or legs may be removed. Cut he