Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains Small glass of apricot jam Thick slice of white bread without crust Lemon juice or vinegar ...

Onions and garlic chopped coarsely and swirled golden in the fat. Then the meat is burned. The crusty bread is soaked in the milk. Save the milk when the bread is taken up, the bread is crushed, crumbled and mixed in the pan with curry, salt, lemon juice /

Mains Salt Egg yolk Crushed green peppercorns in brine ...

Put the meat in a pan and pour boiling water to cover it. Bring it to the boil and foam the soup. Add onions and carrots cut into smaller pieces, salt, peppercorns, bay leaves and thyme. Let the meat boil for a little heat for 1-1 ¼ hours until it is tender.

Mains Suit Meljævning Salt ...

Lots of veal tenderloin browns quickly on all sides of the margarine. Put on onions in a greased roast sauce or refractory dish of carrot. The meat piece is laid on it and covered with spoon slices. Boiling soup, bay leaves and cloves are added. The dish is co

Mains Fintsnittet pale celery White pepper Oil-vinegar marinade ...

The veal fillet is baked in foil 1/2 hour. It is in the foil for at least 1/4 hour and then cut into thin slices. Chopped onion, ham and cracked herbs swirled in margarine until golden. The soup is poured over. Timian and bay leaves are added. Everything is

Mains Pepper Salt Shallots ...

Bring the veal in a saucepan of unsalted cold water to cover it and let it boil. Take the meat, rinse it and put it in the pan with a new tap of water so it covers and add a little salt. Let it boil, foam and simmer the meat with the spice pad for approx. 3/4

Mains Cold butter, cut into appropriate chunks of butter BLOB Lots of chopped parsley or chives to sprinkle Potatoes, peeled and cut into small cubes ...

The veal cut in cubes 1x1 cm. Put meat, potatoes, onions and spices in a pot. Pour the soup and boil for low heat until the meat is tender and the potatoes are boiled so that they level the dishes without being cooked to porridge. Season with salt. Each se

Mains Deep-fried tops of celery. celery tops rinse in water and dried Friteres in oil at about 180 degrees c, until crisp and lightly golden Marjoram ...

Chest: Breast boil mildly in water, 2-3 hours added half of the cleansed herbs and a little salt. When the meat is taken up, cover it with baking paper and put it in pressure with a little moisture. The remaining herbs are browned on a pan and added to the rem

Sides Goose Fat Pepper Salt ...

Spread the big potatoes on the long side. Cut the potatoes as to hasselback potatoes. Let them boil for 10 minutes in the goose fat. Sprinkle coarsely salt into an ovenproof dish. Put the potatoes on the salt. Season with salt and pepper. Divide the laurel lea