Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains Pepper Salt Celeriac ...

Clean the trout, but do not cut it up. Cut a deep scratch from head to tail on the backside and cut the fillets free from the backside and outwards. As close to the leg as possible. Now cut the back and the side legs away, the fillets still stuck by the head a

Mains Coarse salt White wine vinegar Onions in slices ...

Garlic and onion turn a few minutes into the oil in a thickened pot and add the pepper fry and stir for a couple of minutes. Flaked tomatoes, tomato purée, coriander, bay leaves, white wine vinegar and water are added. Give it all a boil and turn it down to

Mains Main and hull from the fish Pepper Salt ...

Cook all the ingredients for the layer for 1/2 hour. Say it and let the fish layer swell. Bring the fillets in a saucepan and pour so much fish stocks that they are just covered. Cook for 5 minutes. Gently lift the fillets and keep them warm. Give the tomatoes

Mains Salt Pepper Sour cream 18% ...

Bring 1 liter of water to boil in a wide saucepan, preferably a fish saucepan. Add wine, bay leaves and white pepper. Put the fish in and simmer for 20 minutes until the fish starts to divide, but still stuck. Arrow the eggs and chop them nicely. Arrow and

Mains Bouquet garni which consists of A handful of freshly planed parmesan Freshly ground pepper ...

Ratatouille: Ratatouille base can be made the day before. The tomatoes are scratched at the bottom and blanched in boiling water for 8 seconds, then they come in cold water. The skin is removed and the tomatoes are divided into 4, with a knife removed the cor

Mains Mini pancakes Eggs (size large) if necessary. pasteurized Baking soda ...

Clean and dry the salmon. Cut it into 24 slices. Lay the salmon slices on the flat side, in one layer, in a dish (about 6 x 20 x 30 cm). Bring vinegar and the rest of the ingredients to a boil in a pan. Cook the layer at low heat and under low for approx. 5 mi

Mains Salt Laksefilét Pitted green olives, finely chopped ...

The oil is heated in a large pot. Add onion and garlic and stir at low heat for 5 - 10 minutes until clear and clear. Tomatoes, olives, bay leaves, peppers and a little salt are added. Put the saucepan in the boil, turn down the heat and mix the mixture under

Soups Crayfish by server no Thyme, dried Cayenne pepper ...

The vegetables are cleaned and sliced, they are shaken well in the butter. Cream shells, tomato sauce, peppercorns, bay leaves, paprika, cayenne pepper are added and share all around well. White wine and the fund are added and the whole is cooked well fo