Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bacon

Mains Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

The oats are cut into smaller pieces. The peppers are cleaned and cut into thin strips. The porridge is cut into small rings. The butter is heated and the mushrooms rose golden and are then taken from the forehead. The vegetables are roasted and broth added, b

Mains Freshly ground pepper Herbs from hen Egg white ...

Pork tenderloin: Pork tenderloin trimmed cut into medallions and beat well. 15 g of butter are melted in a saucepan or similar and the cut vegetables are sautéed therein. Finally, the piquant cheese comes in and it is well mixed together. The cheese-green m

Mains Fill Tærtedej Eggs lightly beaten ...

Start with the pie pie; Flour and salt are sifted into a bowl. With the finger the butter was rubbed into the flour mixture is uniform and reminiscent of the grated parmasan. Make a dug in the middle and add the spicy egg together with 1 tablespoon of water. T

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Salt Barbeque blues sauce ...

Season the salmon pieces with salt, pepper and chiliflakes and brush them with abundant amounts of barbecue sauce. Cut bacon into strips and spread them over the salmon pieces. Boil the potatoes tenderly, pour the water and let the potatoes steam a little.

Salads White pepper Salt Yellow mustard powder ...

Whole fish dissolve, season with salt and white pepper and steam in water or white wine. The fish is cooled and divided into smaller pieces. The avocados are divided, the stones are removed and the meat is carefully taken out of the shells (the shells are stor

Mains White pepper Salt Orange juice ...

Whole fish are thawed, seasoned with salt and white pepper and steamed in water or white wine. The fish is cooled and divided into smaller pieces. The avocados are divided, the stones are removed and the meat is carefully taken out of the shells (the shells ar

Mains Salt Egg yolk Lemon ...

The fish is dripped with lemon and draws for 10 minutes. The fish is cut into 3 - 4 pieces. Bacon cut into the tern and fry on the forehead, add margarine to the fish fillets and fry for a couple of minutes. On each side at low heat - they must not take color.

Mains Garlic Pepper Parsley ...

Make the dad of the meat, the eggs, the pears and the onion, sliced ​​and sliced ​​for half an hour, bacon in cubes, chopped chestnuts, potatoes in small cubes, finely chopped parsley and garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Fill the piglets with the dad. S