Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Curry Onion ...

Do vegetables clean Peel and grate them on a coarse grater arrow and slice the onion into cubes. melt the margarine and Brown onions came in and Brown with the meat Came the crack vegetables spices tomato puree salt and water in the pot mix it well and let

Mains Eggs Sour cream Coarse salt ...

All the ingredients are mixed together into a greasy sausage meat. Forcemeat rolled into small buns and fried on the gang to have been fried. Tips: Served with fresh pasta like or/and salad. The meatballs are suitable also well for lunch box snacks.

Mains Salt Bacon, diced Gøndsagsbouliong ...

saute the bacon in a pan then add the onions and meat, where the meat has been color add tomatoes, bouliong and season with salt then add the sausages and let simmer for 10 min Court

Mains Green fresh ribbon pasta with spinach flavor Pepper Salt ...

Clean the Turkey Breast for tendons etc. and season it with salt and pepper and place bacon slices around the widthways. Stop the ends under actual roast-it should be completely covered in bacon. Put the Turkey Breast in either a heat-proof dish or a small bak

Mains Water Feta cheese in small cubes Pepper ...

mix the meat with salt and let it rest for 5 min. Mix the other ingredients, but finish with the flour. Let forcemeat pull in about 30 min. Rose meatballs on the Mediterranean heat in 2-3 min on each side until they are finished. Tips: Tips: you can get fo

Mains URevt.bbq-spices udrørt in oil Salt Suckling pig ...

the pig must be broken out so that it can get hot on both sitting and rubbed with abundant salt 6 hours over the grill, turned over 3 times per hour, approximately ½ m beech firewood

Mains Grated cheese Butter Large onion ...

Cut the potatoes and pepper moisture in small cubes. The bacon cut into small cubes. Onion chopped (very fine). klæk ægene out in a bowl, and whip it (by hand) along with the milk. Sauté onion and bell pepper in butter finhakket. Pour over potatoes and derf

Mains Basil or oregano Flute Garlic pepper pepper blend ...

Cut the fish into small pieces. Cut the vegetables into slices. Butter dish m. oil. Start with the fish to lie at the bottom along with the vegetables, sprinkle with spices and put so lasangepladerne over. And then start on the next layer. You may want to. pou