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Mains recipes

Mains Big Apple Small onions Bacon ...

Goose rubbed inside and outside with salt and peper and a little thyme filled with Apple and onion and bacon are added above the chest closed butter out in a roasting pan and oven made of 28o when butter is brown put the goose in with the chest up and soaked w

Mains A few cloves of garlic grated Fresh parsley Wheat flour ...

Set the chickpeas to soak overnight. Boil the chickpeas ca. 20 minutes. Blend chickpeas well. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, it is easily done with a mixer. "Forcemeat" must not be completely real, but somewhat steady. Heat a frying pan up, type "hafferlaf

Mains Jævning (where applicable) Colour (if any) Pepper ...

Start by cooking the rice. Chicken breasts cut into thin slices, sautéed with leeks, garlic and carrots. Add the broth, mustard, sherry and coconut milk and give it all a rehash. Turn down the heat and simmer about 15 minutes, add the peas and season with salt

Mains Margerine Pepper Salt ...

Brown koteletterne in the fat in the pan. Place them in a heat-proof serving dish and season with salt and pepper. Saute the leek, onion and garlic. Add the paprika and fry it with. Add conc. pure and sauté it briefly on the forehead in red wine, tomatoes, and

Mains Basil Garlic powder Paprika ...

Mix stuffing, grate the evt to sample on a grater, then the forcemeat more compact. Put half of forcemeat in a greased dish, put the cheese in an even layer and got the rest of forcemeat on. Set the dish in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30-45 minutes.

Mains Cinnamon Salt Green bell pepper ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices butter an ovenproof dish, place potato slices in it. cut the onion into small pieces, spread over the potatoes garlic pressed and distributed over cut the peppers into slices and favor it over the entire pour a d

Mains Hot pepper (to taste) Garlic Oil ...

slice the chicken fillets into cubes and Brown it on the forehead, in oil with salt and pepper. Cut the peppers, leek, chop the garlic and chilli, and it came in a fire fixed dish. Got the roasted chicken in the dish, pour the food over and it came in the oven

Mains A package of shredded cheese Broccoli Mornay sauce ...

Pasta, cooked so they are al dente (still with ' teeth '). Broccoli cut into small florets and carrots peeled and cut into cubes-both are cooked like pasta. Onion chopped and all ingredients are stirred together in a pot to it's been hot. Can possibly. gratine