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Mains recipes

Mains Basillikum pesto Bread Chili ...

Mix a bit of pestoen with the finely chopped chilli and olive. Lyft skin from the chicken pieces and butter pesto mixture onto meat. Put the skin back into place. Seasoned with salt and pepper and FRY in the oven at 200 ° for kødsaften is ready. Porresaute

Mains Pepper Salt White wine ...

The still frozen salmon pieces out in a thick-bottomed pan, water and white wine poured over. The onion and chop leek and carrot cut into cubes and add along with 25 g of butter. Be brought slowly to a boil, boil small in 15-20 minutes. Salmon strips are taken

Mains Courgette Dark beer Fresh red chilli ...

cut the onions into rings and sauté them in the pan. Brown the meat in the pan. Cut the peppers and the tomatoes coarsely and corugetten, put them in the pot with the beans. Pour 3-4 dl water and beera by correct taste right to with chili, salt and pepper. The

Mains Oregano Pineapple Corn ...

turn on the oven at 200 degrees cut the first tomatoes in both plug into them on a talerken, then peberen cut into small piece and put baking paper in a baking pan put butter on top and pitabrødene them with tomato sauce came as little Peppers on tomato and th

Mains Pepper Salt Good ketchup ...

Paner koteletterne in bread crumbs and fry them in the butter in the pan for about 4 min on each side. Rose then Bacon and champiogonerne crispy and save them for later. Pour the cream, ketchup, salt and pepper to the Pan and heat the sauce thoroughly.

Mains Pepper Salt Hot water ...

Batter: Sieve the flour into a mound on a clean surface. Low is the cavity in the top and crack the eggs into the cavity. While you slowly add the warm water kneaded the dough thoroughly. Pelmeni dough should be elastic and soft, without sticking. Cover the do

Mains Olive oil to the dish Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon Groftkværnet pepper ...

Set the oven at 175 degrees. Place the grate in the middle of the oven. Butter a baking dish with olive oil. Cut an incision in the side of the chicken breast to form a Pocket Thus crumble into a bowl and mix with the breadcrumbs, chives, lemon zest, lemon j

Mains Tarragon White pepper French mustard ...

Chicken pieces dry in paper towel. Arrow and chop the onion finely. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Brown the chicken pieces into the fat and seasoned with salt and pepper. Onions and mushrooms mixed in with the chicken and FRY for a few minute