Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Fat Pepper Salt ...

the sausages are boiled and cut into slices. Onion chopped the potatoes cut into cubes Sauté the onions in the fat. Curry met in and burned. pølsene and potatoes in tomato puree. ´ and and then accepted in milk. let stand and small simmer for approx. 20 min

Mains Pineapple into pieces Chili sauce Desiccated coconut ...

Saute the bacon and the benefit this at the bottom of a baking dish. Advantage kyllingfiletterne into smaller pieces and turn them in coconut flakes and benefit them on top of the bacon. Mash the bananas and advantage them upstairs kyllingstykkerne. Mix pasta

Mains Pepper Parsley, fresh Salt ...

Inserts kyllingefiletterne into small cubes and brown them in the melted butter 3-4 minutes. Add a little salt and pepper and then asparagus moisture and water. Cook it all in 20 minutes. While the cooker is turned on the oven at 150 degrees C in warm air.

Mains Spice 2 teaspoons Rosemary (ground in the mortar) and 2 tsp thyme Marizena to jævning Oil for frying ...

The Court is made in a sautepande Turkey fillets Brown on both sides in oil and krydders with Rosemary and thyme fillets are taken of the forehead Orange juice, prunes, apples, onions and bouillion and white wine is added and brought to boil. Then add ka

Mains Mixed green salad Freshly ground black pepper Cooked (basmatis-or brown-) (whole grain) rice or pasta ...

Chicken meat is stirred to a real father's with the next 10 ingredients. Broth and wine is heated in a roomy saucepan. Meanwhile, sauté the mushrooms in a pan in a little olive oil for about 10 minutes. Be set aside. Forcemeat is moulded with a spoon int

Mains Pepper Salt Small white cabbage ...

Forcemeat is stirred together (as alm Meatball sausage meat) with eggs and flour. salt, pepper and Rosemary added. Let the meat rest 1 hour on ice. cabbage and onion cut into cubes (on the street with a Fiver). It is steamed in lightly salted water for abou

Mains Chicken Fund Red curry paste (URf.eks. santa maria) Rice ...

Slice the chicken breasts into small pieces. Sprinkle with salt and white pebder. Chop the garlic and chili pepper. Clean the vegetables and cut into smaller pieces. Got a little olive oil in a hot wok or deep pan-pan. Saute the garlic and chili pepper qu

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Pepper Whipped cream ...

Cut the fat on the duck breast into cubes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cut the oranges in both. Put star anise on the flesh and got the duck breasts in the roast bag with orange pieces. Cut a small hole in the corner of the bag so the steam can escape roast