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Mains recipes

Mains EVS. 1 cup sour cream Gel Jævning ...

It cleaned possibly. Thawed, pheasant filled with apples, salt, pepper and approx. 2 slices of smoked bacon. The bird closes with a ladder or ties with a string. The phases are now poured into a pan with the other spoon discs cut into strips. Then add salt,

Mains Cut dill Pepper Salt ...

The chicken, if any. Thawed, handed out in porridge pieces. In a frying pan letbrune the butter, the crushed garlic and the chicken pieces are brune, season with salt and pepper and gradually put into a saucepan. The diced tomatoes with the broth and broth are

Mains 1 or 2 less pheasants A little parsley Meljævning ...

The pheasants are cleaned and filled with the ham cut into cubes, chopped onion, parsley, salt, pepper and basil. The bird closes with a toothpick. Then broth in butter, season with salt, pepper and fry with onions in slices and carrot in cubes and add broth a

Mains Garlic Curry Paprika ...

Pour the water from the tuna and wrap the meat on a dry pan with chopped onions until the onions are soft. Season with spices. Cut the rice slices into strips. Each strip is shaped into a cage housing that ends in a loose snip. The chopped house is filled with

Mains Pepper Salt 1-2 clove crushed garlic or garlic powder ...

Wash the potatoes and put them in silver paper and bake for 2-3 hours at 200 degrees. They must be completely greasy when finished and unpack the rind of potatoes and stir well with cremfrece, garlic, salt and pepper. Onions, ham and bacon are cooked on a hot

Mains Cream Turkey not under 4.6 kg Pepper ...

Clean the turkey, rub it inside with salt. Stir a fad with rasp, egg salt and pepper, stir sliced ​​mushrooms in. Fill the turkey with the dad, also remember under the throat skin, may overflow as mushrooms fade by frying. The turkey is closed with meat need

Mains Allround kryderri Barbecue kryderri Chopped tomatoes ...

Meatloaf is easy to make and tastes great and the recipe is also suitable for making changes if, for example, you think it is too strong or because there is one thing you do not like in it. But I made it like this. You take all the ingredients for the meatl

Mains A bit of olive oil Ketchup Pepper ...

Stir chicken breasts in a little oil or grill them on a hot griddle. Season them with salt. Shake the mushrooms in a little oil on a hot pan. Pick the salad and chop tomatoes and onions in slices. Blend garlic with the meat of two avocados until th