Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Juniper Hazelnuts Pepper ...

Animal Club boned and rubbed into the salt, pepper, thyme and crushed juniper berries about 1 hour before grilling. Indirect grilling for approx. 1 1/2 hour. Let the animal Club meeting the rest 20 minutes before serving. Savoy cabbage, bacon pieces f

Mains Curry Fresh ribbon pasta Kyllingbryst ...

Cut chicken, bacon and mushrooms into small pieces, fry it on a high forehead, to the chicken has been increased! Come in and let the cream boil up in approximately 5-6 minutes in while you touch around in it and add Curry (the more you add the stronger! To be

Mains Potatoes Margarine Paprika ...

Chicken cut into as many pieces as possible be complied with on the saucepan which is put baking paper. The potatoes cut into ½ cm. thick slices and place on to the chicken. Peppers and onions cut into rings and place over the second where after being sprinkle

Mains And at about 3 kg A small chopped onion Pepper ...

forcemeat is mixed as to the meatballs. Second rinse thoroughly inside and forcemeat met ihvorefter else is closed. Second placed on a roasting pan with rack and placed in the oven at 160 degrees. frying time is 55 minutes per kg.

Mains Cajun spice Pepper Salt ...

Bacon roasted crispy on the forehead. Then mix all the ingredients together. Formes to meatballs and place on baking paper on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes at 200 degrees C alm. oven. Tips: Cajun Spice: 2 ½ tsp paprika, ede

Mains Strong mustard Cream Cod fillets ...

Give porrene a rehash and cut them into roughly 2 cm pieces put them at the bottom of a baking dish. Torskefilletter came across in jevnt layers. Whip the cream very stiff and came in cream and stir mustard. Put it on top of the Cod. place in a preheated oven

Mains Bay leaves Coarse salt Pork loin with severe without legs ...

RIDs the rind down to meat with ½ cm. intervals-but do not scratch in the flesh. Have the butcher scratched flesh, the goose after. Sometimes ridsningen not deep enough-especially not in the pages. Be careful to get salt down between all swords. Plug a few Bay

Mains Butter/oil + frying Sour cream Rabbit á 1.2-1.5 kg ...

The rabbit is split into 6-8 pieces and turned into flour, salt, pepper and curry powder. The meat is brown in plenty of fat in a frying pan. The sliced leeks Fry lightly. Add the tomato paste, crushed garlic and Bay leaves. White wine poured over, it all brou