Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Basil The saddle Freshly ground pepper ...

First remove the 2 sirloin sits on the underside of the animal back. You can cook them in rosemary and server with a wild skysauce and new potatoes. Cheers animal chickens out of the animal backyard. (It is best at the butcher, or you can save with meat off wi...

Mains A little brown sugar and some butter Pepper Salt ...

Lay the flour in a bowl on the kitchen table and make a recess in the middle. Turn the eggs and egg yolks out into the groin one at a time and whip them a little with a fork for 1-2 minutes. Bring some of the flour into the egg yolks and knead it gra...

Mains Bornholmsk canola oil Onion carrots miscellaneous herbs from the garden New Bornholm potatoes ...

Brush the saucepan with oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place directly on the grid or in a roasting pan on the grid directly over the pan with the prepared broth.

The lid is laid over and the air supply is opened. Stays 1 1/2 to 2 hours, depending on...

Mains Freshly ground pepper Corn flour Oil for frying ...

The cucumber is cut into thin slices and sprinkled with salt. Pulling 20 min. And twisted. Vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper are whipped together and put the cucumber slices. The fillet is polished to the ends and cut into 4 equal pieces. Set to the top and pres...

Mains Good parmesan Good salad Star anise ...

Boil the first four items and cool. Sprinkle the piece of meat, brown on the grill and spice. Pour marinade over the meat and marinate for a day. Cut thin slices and put on the plate so the slices cover each other. Brush if necessary. With some good olive oil....

Mains White balsamic vinegar Red chili Sage ...

The salva balancers and comes into ice water on which it is dripped. Lay the Serano ham out on a piece of film, then the siphoned sage leaves come hereafter the summer bow, now rolled tight.

The film is removed and the bowl is now cooked in a 180 ° C hot ov...

Mains Fresh thyme White wine Crushed juniper berries ...

Potatoes are put into boiling water with a little salt. The backbone spades off and the ribs are brushed off. Sprinkle the meat and brown on the hot pan, season with salt, pepper, juniper and thyme. Stir in oven at 200 c. Approx. 13 min and let pull before ser...

Mains Balsamic vinegar Red wine Spring cabbage ...

Make the potatoes ready and cook the potatoes so they are ready for the main course

The sauce:
Bring "balsamic vinegar" on a hot forehead and let it boil a little. Add red wine and wild game. Let it boil a little. Season with salt, pepper and yellow until ...