Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Cakes in form Grains of a fat Rod vanilla Sunflower oil Eggs ...

Sift flour, baking soda and cinnamon into a bowl and stir in sugar and salt. Sprinkle egg, oil, and vanilla grains together, do not mix the mixture thoroughly. Mash and turn the bananas into the dough with a fork and again do not whip.

Pour the dough into a...

Sauces Pepper Salt Pickled Green peppercorns ...

First peel the bulbs and cut into thin slices. Melt the butter and let the loaves fry until they are soft and golden. Add cranberries, peppercorns and orange juice and let the whole cookie cook for 4-5 minutes until the berries break. Then get the sugar in and...

Porridge & gruel Honey Water Cranberry ...

The berries are boiled with water for 8-10 minutes. And season with honey. Automatically smooths itself.

The porridge is cooled and can be served with creme fraiche....

Salads Marjoram powder Pepper Salt ...

Rinse the cranberries. Step the onions ready in the margarine and add the berries. Stir frequently around until it is mashed. Add sugar and add sherry and thyme. Cook for 5 minutes and evenly with whipped cream. Season with salt, pepper and possibly. A little ...

Sides Lemon peel Orange peel, grated Sugar ...

Rinse the cranberries in a sieve in cold water and pour over ½ dl. Water in a pan and bring to a boil with at least 3 dl. sugar. When melted, add the berries and cook for 6-8 minutes. Take the pan off the fire and add the shredded shells.

Pour the compot in...

Pickling Lemon juice thereof Cream Violet flowers ...

Bring water and sugar to boil and hold the violins in the layers. Peel the apples well and add them with stirring. Let the marmalade simmer until the nobles are cooked tenderly. Season with lemon juice. The chopped almonds are heated in the cream. Pour the hot...

Salads Basil Lemon juice thereof Garlic ...

Rinse the spines well and remove if necessary. Ribs and leaf stems before the leaves are chopped well. Stir a dressing of oil, lemon, crushed garlic and basil and pour it over....

Mains Pepper Salt Spinach leaves ...

Clean the green leaves and steam them in a pan for 5-6 minutes. Melt the butter in a pan and sprinkle the flour over. When the flour is soaked with the butter, spoon with boiling water (about 4 dl) and stir the steamed leaves gently. Spice up with spices befor...