Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Snacks Sweet potatoes Oil ...

The potatoes are cut paper thin with a sharp knife or perhaps on the raw iron. The oil is heated in a large pot and the dishes are sliced ​​at a time. Let them drip onto greasy paper and keep the first heat in the oven while the last ones are cooked.


Snacks Freshly chopped herbs Breadcrumbs Together beaten eggs ...

Using a potato peeler, thin strips are cut along the length of the squash. The strips are dipped in a mixture of teaspoon eggs, then dipped in a mixture of rasp and freshly chopped herbs.

The oil is heated in a large pot and the ribs are frying a few pieces...

Snacks Pumpkin Oil ...

The gingerbread is cut into small thin slices with a knife cutter. The oil is heated in a saucepan and the dishes are roasted several times until golden and crispy. Let them dripping on greasy paper and keep the first heat in a 180 ° C hot oven while the last ...

Snacks Beetroot Oil ...

The beetroots are cut into paper-thin slices with a very sharp knife. The oil is heated in a very large pot and the red-fry slices are frozen several times. They must be brown and crisp. Put the finished chips on greasy paper and keep them. Heat in a 180 ° C h...

Snacks Beetroot Oil ...

The beetroots are cut into paper-thin slices with a very sharp knife. The oil is heated in a very large pot and the red-fry slices are frozen several times. They must be brown and crisp. Put the finished chips on greasy paper and keep them. Heat in a 180 ° C h...

Cakes in form Cinnamon, ground Nutmeg Salt ...

Whip the eggs well with dough, melted butter and milk.

Mix wheat flour and grahamsmel with baking soda, salt, cinnamon and muskat.

Mix the dry and wet ingredients together and add grated squash, raisins and chopped walnut kernels.

Distribute the dough...

Cakes in form Orange grated to thereof Baking soda Milk ...

Sugar and eggs are whipped well. Remove orange peel, cocoa, flour, baking soda and milk. Margarine is finally stirred in a greased form (about 1½).

Cooking time Approx. 1 hour at 175 degrees C.

Energy: 11300 kilojoule 2700 calories) distributed on 4% fro...

Pickling Fresh orange juice unsweetened Fresh lemon juice Grated orange peel ...

Remove the seeds from the hybenes. Place the hybenes, raisins and apples soft in vinegar before the evening.

After soaking, pour the bones together with the other ingredients in a large thickened saucepan. Bring to boiling point over strong heat, reduce hea...