Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Pepper Grated lemon rind and juice to taste Salt ...

The turkey breast thaws in the bag at the refrigerator temperature. The thawed turkey breast can be cooked in the oven or boiled in water.

When cooking in the oven:
A few small holes are stuck in the bag. Place the breast in an ovenproof dish and put in th...

Soups Chopped fresh parsley and possibly. chopped Basil Ground pepper Salt ...

Cut all the vegetables into nice little cubes. Heat the oil in a thick pot and bacon in strips. Sprinkle with curry and stir well. Bring the vegetables in and let them sweat until they are shiny. Rinse the lentils well and stir them in. Pour the tomatoes toget...

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

The turkey breast (not to be browned) is lubricated with a layer of honey and sprinkled with thyme. Put the turkey breast in a frying pan or in an ovenproof dish covered with aluminum foil. Step it at 200 degrees for 45-60 minutes depending on thickness. Let i...

Mains Jævning A little soya Pepper ...

The meat is stirred with potato, egg, salt, pepper and coffee. The father must be pretty fast. With damp hands it is shaped into oval "birds", each with a slice of bacon around. Put aside. A meat pin in.

Brunes and fry with milk, soy, cranberries or jelly. ...

Mains Lemon juice Whipped cream Whole milk ...

Stir lemon juice, virgin oil, pepper and rosemary together and pour over the meat. Leave to stand for 5-6 hours. Chop the almonds nicely, mix them with salt and pepper and turn the turkey breast in. Slice the meat on all sides slightly on a pan. Place the meat...

Mains Cheese Pepper Salt ...

Divide the cauliflower into bouquets and boil it. Place the cauliflower bouquets in a greased oven dish.

Whip egg, milk or coffee, salt and pepper together and mix the cauliflower.

Bring butterflakes over the gratin.

Bag the gratin in the middle of th...

Base recipes Salt Soup may Hen ...

Fry the chicken raw, cover with boiling water with salt and soup and boil approx. 1 1/2 hour depending on age. The chicken meat becomes very juicy and the soup is used for sauce....

Mains Chopped onions A little tomato ketchup Pepper ...

Whip flour with water and eggs. Bake on one side as plain, slightly thick pancakes.

Season the chopped onions with beef. Add the cabbage and bring salt, soy, pepper and a little ketchup. The filling should be like porridge.

The filling is distributed on ...