Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Sandwiches A little lemon juice Breadcrumbs Lemon juice ...

The red dressing is stirred together, first peel the peppers into the asparagus water, then stir the remaining ingredients. Peel the chopped or squeezed and add. Season with salt and pepper.

The butter is melted to clarified butter. Vineg...

Mains Pepper Salt Mixed vegetables (tomato-broccoli-URf.eks. Leek-beans-squash-potatoes or similar) ...

Blanching the small-cut vegetables get mine. In leachate water. Let them drip well and put them in a greased ovenproof dish. Whip egg and cream or milk together and mix grated cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Pour the mixture over the vegetables.

Place ...

Mains Cooked cold potato Tomato puree. concentrated Butter ...

Cut the sausages into smaller pieces. Slice the potatoes and cut loose roughly.

Put all three pieces in butter in a saucepan. Add tomato paste, salt and pepper. Pour the cream over and let it spin for approx. 10 min....

Mains Lemon Pepper Salt ...

Brown the chops in the very hot butter and put them on a dish.

Pour and crush the garlic with a knife and chop them nicely. Rinse the parsley and chop it lightly. Cut the root of the mushrooms and divide them in half. Bring garlic, parsley and mushrooms on ...

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh bean sprouts ...

Cut the cabbage fine. Cut leeks and mushrooms in slices. Cut the meat into thin strips and shake them in a wok or on a pan in very hot oil. Take the meat off the pan and chop white cabbage and gently stir. Add the bean sprouts after approx. 5 min.

Stir wate...

Soups Meatballs Dumplings Pepper ...

Bring the chicken in a soup with water and bring the saucepan to the boil. Foam the soup. The vegetables are cleaned and served whole in the soup with the leafy leaves, but only when the soup is skimmed off. Let the soup simmer for low heat for 2-3 hours.


Mains Pepper Salt Potatoes ...

Cut the meat into the tern and put it in a sieve and pour it over boiling water.

Bring some butterballs to the bottom of a large saucepan and then alternately onions and potatoes in slices and cuts in layers. Sometimes salt, pepper and bay leaves are added....

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Shake the bacon crisp on a pan. Add finely chopped onion and potato. Let it sautere a little and pour it into a greased ovenproof dish.

Whip the eggs well with cream, salt and pepper. Pour the egg yolk over the potatoes.

Bake at 175 degrees C. alm. Oven ...