Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Onions and bacon are cut in terns. The rice is easily sautéed with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Add onions and bacon or pancetta. It is boiled with white wine and as soon as the white wine is soaked by the rice add more than one liter of broth. The rice is cooke...

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

The lid is peeled and cut into fine tern. Sauté with the rice in the butter 2-3 min. In the meantime, the broth is heated. Add white wine and when cooked slowly add the hot broth in a short space of time. The rice must always be just covered with moisture. The...

Desserts (cold) Pasteurized egg yolks Sugar Rome ...

Whip egg yolks and sugar foaming with a hand mixer. First add the room a little at a time and then the ricotta gradually. Place the mass in a freezer container and place it in the freezer approx. 3 hours....

Mains Wheat flour Nutmeg Grated parmesan ...

Cook pasta al dente. Boil cauliflower or broccoli until it is almost tender and then cut into slices. Melt the butter, sprinkle flour and stir it together until it has the correct consistency, taste with salt, pepper and muskat. Grease a refractory dish. Lay t...

Mains Broccoli Freshly ground pepper Salt for cooking water ...

Pasta: Bring the water to the pasta in boil with oil and salt. Put pasta and broccoli in the boiling water and boil 3-4 minutes (see cooking instructions on the pasta.) Sauce: Cut the cream cheese into smaller pieces and place it in a thick pot. Whip the milk ...

Lunch Pepper Salt Large-leafed Basil ...

Tomato sticks are removed and the tomatoes are cut into ½ cm thick slices. Allow the mozzarella to drip well and cut it into slices. Divide in a circle on a plate alternately cheese and tomato slices. Distribute basil leaves on the plate. Sprinkle with a littl...

Desserts (cold) Taste on request approx. 1 dl Sugar Cream ...

Whip the cream but not too pinch. Turn the sugar in. Soft house blast and melt it. Come to the taste of the house blossom to avoid thorns....

Mains Crushed Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken into 8 pieces. Brown them on a pan with salt and oil for about 20 minutes under the lid. Add garlic, capers and onion. Peperoncino, oregano and white wine are added. Lay the lid on and let it simmer. Pour tomatoes, bring the dish to boil and si...