Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Lunch Chervil Olive oil Parma ham ...

Brush two teflon panes with oil and warm them up. Turn out the small quail eggs and mirror them 2 min. At medium heat. Bring the ham on baking paper and shake them in the oven at 225 degrees for 8 minutes. Serve the eggs on rye bread along with the ham and cha...

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

The tomatoes halve, juice and grains are squeezed out. The tomato cut is cut into smaller cubes. Garlic peeled and pressed. The tomato, garlic and oil are mixed and refrigerated for 1-2 hours. The sauce is squeezed through fine sieve or purified in the food pr...

Mains Coarse pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Season the bacon crispy in olive oil over moderate heat. Bring the boiled spaghetti on a plate, pour bacon and some oil over and sprinkle pecorino and lots of pepper at last....

Mains Pepper Salt White wine ...

Sweat bacon in butter. Add the pepper and some salt. Pour white wine and cream in and leave it to stand and small for approx. 5 minutes cook the pasta. Mix pasta and sauce and add parmesan cheese. In the end, the two egg yolks are turned into the sauce....

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon ...

The olive oil is poured on the forehead and the bacon is cut into fine tiny cubes and brownish golden in the olive oil and while bringing the water to the spaghetti in a boil. The eggs are easily peeled into a bowl. When the spaghetti is boiled al dente and th...

Pickling Small strong pepper-cayenne or chili Dried thyme Garlic ...

Arrow and chin whitewashed. Rinse the pepper and dry it in a clean cloth or paper roll. Bring the black olives in a stoneware or glass jar. Carefully divide the chopped garlic between the olives and put the chili pepper down in the middle of the jar. Pour oil ...

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Unsalted butter Prosciutto Italian ham ...

Cut the ham into strips. Melt the butter on the forehead and sweat the slices until they start to grow crisp. Cook the pasta al dente, drain it to water and pour it into a hot bowl. Pour the crispy ham and butterflies over, use the pepper mill diligently and m...

Pickling Individual anchovy fillets Fresh basil, thyme or oregano Garlic ...

Place a lot of salted tomatoes in cold water for approx. 30 minutes. Then pour the water off. This can be skipped with normal salted tomatoes. Now peel the tomatoes into white wine vinegar and water for a couple of hours, turn them a few times along the way. P...