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Recipes with Yeast

Cakes Apple-Strawberry or raspberry jam A little cardamom Eggs ...

The yeast stirred into the lukewarm milk. The other ingredients are added. The dough is kneaded until it is smooth and supple. Rolled out to an oblong piece of ca. 15x120 cm. and cut off for about 30 triangles. A little fill URf.eks. Apple, strawberry or raspb

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Salt Organic cereals (12 tablespoons) ...

the yeast out of the liquid, sugar salt smulders and cereals is stirred in. (stands for 10 min) the flour is added. the dough is mixed well together. oil added and kneaded well together. must raise in 10 min. be divided into approximately 35 paragraphs tha

Breakfast & brunch Eggs Milk Poppy seeds ...

Melt the butter in a saucepan pour the milk now in put it up in a bowl and wait a little bit to put the yeast in. Pour the now sukkeren in and beat an egg in addition then stir it around. Now wheat flour in the pipes stop when the dough is kneaded behind af

Cakes Almonds, peeled Pearl sugar/tesukker Eggs ...

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm milk. It all worked well together. Resolved to uplift in 15 minutes uncovered. Then rolled out to 20x40 cm. Raisins chopped, can possibly. It is not, the rest of the ingredients for the filling stir together and lubricate

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Margarine (melted or liquid) Sugar ...

dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water, add eggs and margarine, add sugar, flour and salt, knead thoroughly. Raises about 30 mins. Formes to 32 buns and raises again 30 min. Brushed with coffee or eggs Bake approx. 10 min v. 200 degrees el 8 my v. 180 Gr.

Cakes It all stirred together Lukewarm milk Icing ...

Butter or margarine chop in the flour. The yeast stirred into a little of the lukewarm milk. Pour in the batter along with the sugar and the rest of the milk. The dough is kneaded together. Highlights covered in a warm place for 30 minutes. Kneaded and roll

Cakes Vanilla Butter or margarine Milk ...

Lunes, and herein be thawed milk yeast, which, however, must not be warmed with. Add the remaining ingredients and knead into the dough is uniform. The dough is divided in four pieces, which rolled out in sausages at ca. 50 cm's length. Cut out into small p

Cakes in form Cardamom Salt Eggs ...

The milk is poured into a dish, lunes and dissolve the yeast in it. Remember the yeast must not be heated with. Wheat flour and the other ingredients mixed in, and it all kneaded together into a uniform dough, which raises to double size for about 15 minutes i