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Recipes with Whipped cream

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Potato flour Sugar ...

In a saucepan, milk, potato flour, sugar, cocoa and whole eggs whisk together for low heat - whip all the time until the mass starts to get thick. Then whip the soaked husblas, hugged hard of the water, into the cream and stir until it is dissolved. When th

Desserts (warm) EVS. a little lemon zest Form: approx. 18 x 23 x 5 cm Cinnamon ...

Remove the crusts and cut the crumb into the block. Hot chocolate, cream, cream, sugar, butter + cinnamon in the water bath. Stir well. Whip the eggs and pour the chocolate mix in, whip thoroughly. Fill approx. 1 cm in lubricated form. Lay half the loaves o

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Milk cream (13%) Brandy (to taste) ...

Milk, sugar and vanilla boil up. The egg yolks are stirred together with 25 grams of sugar, half of the milk is whipped. Eggs are whipped up in the rest of the milk and alloyed to cream consistency over low heat. The cream is added to the soaked gelatin, which

Cake add-ons Juice and grated to be of 1.5 Orange Sifted icing Egg whites ...

Stir egg yolks and sugar well. Add fried orange peel and juice. Finally mix the pinch egg whites and whipped cream. The sauce should be cooked immediately before serving.

Cake add-ons Dark chocolate Whipped cream Honey ...

Cream and honey boil and stir the chopped chocolate. Ganache can be used to pour over cakes.

Bread, buns & biscuits Whipped cream Salt Egg yolk ...

The yeast is crushed and stirred with ½ dl of the 35 degree warm cream. The sugar is added. Leave yeast mixture to stand for approx. 15 minutes until it hurts happily. Now add the rest of the cream leaned to 35 degrees, the battered egg, it melted butter, s

Sauces Salt Sugar Pepper ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices. Sauter (brush them tender) into the fat without brining. Add wine, cream and broth. Squeeze garlic sauce and mix with mustard and estragon, after which this is also added. Let the sauce simmer over excessiv

Desserts (patisserie) Whipped cream Planed chocolate Dark syrup ...

Chop the nuts, add sugar, butter and syrup in a saucepan and warm to boiling point, add nuts and flour and stir in. Let it bake for 2 minutes. Remove the pan and allow the dough to cool a little. Divide the dough into 16 balls placed on a baking sheet coate