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Recipes with Vanilla pod

Cakes in form Vanilla pod Dark chocolate 44% Strawberries, fresh ...

Pastry: mix the flour and sugar. Crumble the cold fat in it, for it has a texture like grated cheese. Add the egg yolks and reassemble the quick dough. Scroll mørdejen out in two tart molds approx. 27 cm. in diameter. Mazarin lot: Stir sugar along with the

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Soft nougat Egg yolk, pasteurised ...

Whip the cream stiff. Beat the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla to the egg snaps. Turn gently cream is in egg mixture, and pour it in a baking Tin. Melt nougaten and stir it into the cream before freezing into. Deck shape with aluminum foil, and freeze it fo

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Sugar Almonds, peeled ...

Vanillestangen split and the grains scraped out and saved. Bring the milk to a boil in a thick-bottomed pan and add the rice came in while stirring. Came the "emptied" vanilla pod in and let it cook with in 4-5 my without lid. Roof vanillestangen up and put th

Desserts (cold) Sugar Rice Vanilla pod ...

Cook a rice porridge of milk and rice spiked with the split vanilla rod. Leave to cool. Smut and chop the almonds roughly. Remember to take a whole almond from the almond gift. Whip the cream stiff and turn it in the cold porridge, along with the tonsils. Tast

Desserts (cold) Sugar to taste Whole milk Vanilla pod ...

Crack vanillestangen. Cook the rice, milk, and vanilla on low heat, covered, approx. 45 min. stir in porridge every now and then. Roof vanillestangen up, refrigerate porridge. Chop the almonds, save one to get hole in the dessert. Stir the almonds in the cold

Desserts (cold) Organic whipping cream Organic whole milk , round grain milled ...

The porridge Water brought to a boil, pour, round grain milled in and let them cook for 2 min. pour the milk in, and vanillestangen, and turn down at the lowest burner. Mix some gruel is under the lid, be sure to stir once in a while, it burns easily. It b

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Mousses, cream is stirred with vanillekorn, cane sugar and lemon. The dressing tasted with salt and pepper. Slices of celery, half-grapes, raisins and Walnut kernels turned into. Decorating the with a little chopped walnuts.

Candy Vanilla pod Soft unsalted butter Cinnamon whole ...

Chop the nougat and chocolate finely. Bring the cream to a boil with the vanilla, cinnamon and honey. Let it simmer 2 min. remove it flared and let it soak, covered, 2 hours. Scrape out and down into the cream; throw the rod away. Bring the cream back to a boi