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Recipes with Vanilla

Desserts (cold) A little cream Grated rye bread Curds or buttermilk ...

Kørom is made by junket, shunning or buttermilk, mix with sugar, vanilla, a little cream and if desired, grated rye bread. All together whipped well and served cold.

Soups Whole milk Vanilla Eggs ...

The milk is boiled together with the split vanilla and egg, that is touched with lieres with sugar. Do not boil. 2 eggs can be used if one wants sheep's milk is more even.

Soups Salt Vanilla Whole milk ...

The flour is mixed with a little of the milk, and then the rest is brought to a boil while stirring, together with the split vanilla. Smooth no added and boils 3-5 minutes. The eggs, beat well with sugar lieres and salt added by the Court. Small Biscuits are s

Drinks (warm) Mineral water with shower Cranberry juice Vanilla ...

Getting cranberry juice, oranges, sliced, sugar and split vanilla rod in a saucepan, and bring to a boil. Turn off ok came the hot juice into the glass half full. Just before serving, and accepted a little fizz in the hot beverage shower merrily without contai

Cold cuts Vanilla Whipped cream Sugar or liquid mild flowers honey ...

The nuts in a baking pan in the oven at 175 degrees and made, for the smells and begins to take suit. They must not brankes, but they need to Brown lightly. Got half of the hot nuts in a food processor or blender and run to the almost give off oil. Click th

Sides Red currant jelly Vanilla Sugar ...

Peel the apples, halvér them and remove the cores. The water to the boil with the sugar and vanilla. They came half apples in and cook them on low heat for about 7-8 my bottom lids. The apples are cooled by boiling in bed sheet. Came a TSP. red currant j

Candy White and dark Couverture chocolate Desiccated coconut Vanilla ...

Scratch grains out of the half-stick of vanilla. Blend coconut flakes and vaniliekorn to coarse powder. Stir it together with honey and cream and form it into balls. Dip the balls in the melted Couverture chocolate, half white and half in the dark, and sprinkl

Candy Whipped cream Vanilla Honey (Acacia or Danish flowers honey) ...

Honey, desiccated coconut and cream heated up to boiling, stirring vigorously. There are screwed down the heat, and the mass is cooked further under still stirring vigorously. Ground vanilla is added. Caramel mass pour into a well greased baking pan, and when