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Recipes with Sugar

Sides Salt Red currant juice Sugar ...

The stick and the outer leaves removed. Cabbage chop finely and boil, covered, in the vinegar about 1 hour. That season with salt-sugar and juice. After which the cabbage is cooked further ca. 25 min.

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Fresh strawberries Soft nougat ...

Melt 150 g. nougat in a bowl over a water bath and cool it a little of. Beat the egg yolks and sugar well and add Rome, whip the cream stiff. Chop the stuffing. Stir in a few tablespoons. whipped cream in the melted nougat and turn it into egg mixture together

Cakes in form Icing sugar Cocoa Water ...

Warm the honey and sugar in a saucepan, stirring until the sugar is melted. Refrigerate the mixture until it is lukewarm. Beat the eggs lightly together and stir them in, as well as ginger, cinnamon, orange peel, whipping cream and ymer. Mix flour with antl

Soups Italian bread A little tomato puree Oil ...

The vegetables be able, writing, cut into cubes. The meat is cut into cubes (also bacon). Getting oil in the Pan and warm it up, came the onion, bacon in the pot to the onions are clear. Came the meat in the Pan and paprika, Rosemary-let it simmer for about 5

Candy Becel margarine frying (liquid) Fresh strawberries (or other småfrugt just only one kind) Sugar ...

melt the butter in a frying pan until it is golden. mix the margarine in, and then stir well. com so fruit in, and let simmer for about 10 min. when the fruit is of upholstered, they are taken from the Pan and placed on a paper-lined baking pan. Let solidify.

Cookies Lemon grated must thereof, and/or a little ground cardamom Cognac (can be dispensed with) Margarine ...

Margarine and break into pieces in the flour. Sugar and lemon rind mixed into the Dough with the egg and cream come together.. The dough is made of cold a few hours. Be deployed, providing to the Angel wings. Klejnerne cooked Golden in hot coconut oil, plac

Pickling Water Pulp of ripe kaki'er Sugar ...

When the shell is removed from the mature kaki'er, shared in two, and the flesh is pressed through a strainer. Warm sugar level up a bit in the oven for a few minutes, and then mix the pulp, sugar and water. Pour it all up in a pan, and let the sugar melt, b

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Egg white Whipped cream ...

Set a rygbrøds form of approx. 1.5 L in the freezer. Whip the cream stiff. crack vanillestangen lengthwise and scrape the grains out. Whip the egg white with icing sugar and vanillekorn. beat the whites until stiff with the sugar. turn gently egg white mass wi