Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cookies Wheat flour Sugar Chopped nuts ...

Whip eggs and sugar thoroughly. Turn the flour and nuts i. Set the dough on wax paper with 2 teaspoons. Pasties are flowing out, so keep a good distance between the cakes. Behind the pasties in the oven at 200 degrees for 7-8 minutes.

Porridge & gruel Lemon peel thereof Vanila Ideal jævning (b) ...

The figs soak in cooked, cold water for 24 hours. Grated lemon peel is added. The figs are cooked gently until tender in water about 15 mins. Juice sweetened and smoothed with the udrørte jævning in cold water. The porridge boil 1 min., sprinkled with Va

Cookies Eggs Vaniliesukker Rice Krispies (breakfast) ...

softens margerine pipe it together with sukkert pipe genuine down in conjunction with flour, baking soda and stir it well to vaniliesukker it is a soft dough mix it so but puf-meal is put on the plate with 2 is done bake in the middle of the oven v 200 g for a

Mains Pepper Salt Milk ...

mix sugar, salt, wheat flour together, add the milk and beer pipes well beat the 4 eggs in and stir together and make pancakes filling: boil the eggs should be hard-boiled when they are chilled by arrow and notch them Sauce: melt the butter and add the flou

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream, if desired. with chocolate chip or banana slices Light syrup Sugar ...

Chop the nuts just fine. Stir all the ingredients together in a saucepan. Let the mass simmer a couple of minutes, stirring continuously. Com ca. ½ dl of dough for each basket, on a plate with wax paper. Do not put more than 2 -3 paragraph on the plate, and

Candy 1 tsp. palmin A little coconut to sprinkle Vanilla ...

Chocolate and coconut oil melted together. The tradesmen's houses filled the insides with the liquid chocolate. Egg whites, sugar and vanilla mix and whipped over a water bath until it has been white, firm and breezy. Calculate about 5 mins. Advantage foam

Desserts (cold) Salt Whipping cream Rod vanilla ...

Dry clean golsad. Cut a cross in the pointed end with a sharp knife. Got them in boiling, lightly salted water, so they just covered. Cook them in my 10-15. Golsad rinse under running water. Shell and the Brown film of the arrow. Crack vanillestangen, scr

Desserts (warm) Sugar Wheat flour Eggs ...

Pour liquid in first, then other ingredients. Heat a frying pan up. Tips: Old and easy recipe, just having a good time tonight.