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Recipes with Sugar

Mains Wheat flour Suit Pepper ...

Go the rind of, it should be scratched right down to the flesh, especially out at the edges, avoid scratching in the flesh. Rub the meat with salt. Be careful to get salt down between all swords. Jack Laurel leaves down between swords. Put the roast in a ro

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Eggs Carrots ...

5-grain mixture cooked in the water about 5 min. then pour this into a bowl and add the milk, oil, eggs, grated carrot, sugar and salt. The yeast is mixed in this and finally add the flour little by little. Formed immediately to buns (about 16 pieces) which ra

Mains A bit of flour (to make the gravy for a thicker substance) Cheese and meat as you like Chopped tomatoes ...

dough: milk and water lunes. stir the yeast in. oil, salt, sugar and flour mix in it mixed to a smooth dough. the withdrawal is made in 2 ½ hour stuetemp-1 ½ hours in the fridge gravy: term tomatoes (only the juice bruges9 mix oregano in and mix the flour i

Cakes Soft butter Eggs Finely chopped almonds ...

Peel and slice the apples in both. Apples put in pie dish and sprinkled with cinnamon and a little sugar. Butter and sugar is stirred together, and the rest are mixed in it. The dough is distributed over the apples. Bake in the middle of the oven for approx. 3

Drinks (warm) Lemon Sugar Rome ...

Warm water (or tea) is poured into a Cup, and then Rome, sugar and/or lemon are added. Tips: Typical drink from Angel in Southern Schleswig

Desserts (patisserie) 1 dl Sugar Eggs ...

Mix the ingredients for the dough, if necessary. in a mixer. Let the dough rest in the fridge for 30 minutes. Set the oven at 175 degrees. Press the dough out in small aluminium moulds and style the molds on a plate. Behind them in the middle of the oven for a

Cakes in form Plate: Brown sugar Sugar ...

Beat the whites until stiff. Add sugar and brown sugar, whip another 5 minutes. Turn the rice crispies in. Pour the mass out onto a plate lined with baking paper. Bake in the middle of the oven for 20 minutes at 130 ° c – 40 minutes at 100 ° c Then. The 2 bott

Breakfast & brunch Poppy seeds Salt Eggs ...

Warm the milk and udrør the yeast in it. Add the eggs, sugar and salt. Add the flour and knead the dough smooth and supple. Let it raise ½ hour. Knead the dough lightly through and roll it out to a square 30 x 40 cm. cut the cold butter into slices with a c