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Recipes with Sugar

Cookies Eggs Vanilieessens Soft butter/margarine ...

stir in fat and sugar until creamy then add the egg. vanilieessens, flour, chocolate and nuts into. set of pasties on a baking sheet with wax paper using dættet 2 spoons. Note that pasties are flowing out during baking so well with space between the cakes. beh

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Salt Sugar ...

The yeast is mixed into the milk and the other indigriensen are added in the order listed. Bake at quickprogram 1 hour.

Cakes 1 tsp. icing sugar Oatmeal Oatmeal bar ...

1. wash apples, remove the stem and core, and cut them in small boats. 2. mix together oatmeal, flour, sugar and melted butter/margarine/flydendemargarine in a bowl for it hangs together, but still crumbles. 3. Add the apples in a greased ovenproof dish and

Desserts (cold) Water Sugar After eight ...

Sugar and water boil up to the sugar is melted and taken by the heat. After Eight put in the hot syrup and stir around for all the chocolate is melted. Egg yolks whipped well and chocolate mass is poured in and the beat well together. Piskefløden whipped

Bread, buns & biscuits Cardamom Eggs Sea salt ...

Melt the margarine and let it cool off. Warm milk until it is hand warm, and dissolve the yeast in it. Add the eggs and sugar, and stir it together. Road the flour, and stir it together with kardemommen. Add the margarine (must be hand-warm) together with

Drinks (cold) A little vanilla sugar Banana Yogurt natrual ...

Blend sugar and strawberry. Add the rest and blend again then you should just drink it.

Desserts (warm) Vaniliesukker Sugar Wheat flour ...

Pour all the ingredients into a bowl, and mix it with a hand mixer. heat a frying pan up, and then you can get started with pancakes;)

Drinks (cold) Danish water so it covers perhaps little more Strawberries as needed Sugar ...

blændt bærene in an aperture there after add the banana mix second can you use milk with water so the milk and add the Danish Danish water and blænd in 2 mins add sugar and sugar after veniele and blændt again in 5 minutes