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Recipes with Sugar

Cakes Cocoa Milk Sugar ...

Mix it all together in Bowl. Then put it in a very small idfastfad. The cake is put into the oven at 175 degrees for half an hour. Tips: It is best to get the glaze on, as it may well seem a little dry without it.

Cookies Salt (like fine) Bicarbonate of soda Vanilla essence ...

The two kinds of sugar and butter mix. Then, beat ægene in one at a time and then the vanilla essence. So you wipe away all the mixes ingredients together in another bowl. So rørers melblandingen in egg mixture and then add the chopped chocolate. Put them o

Various 1 tsp. vanilla sugar 2 dl. junket Buttermilk ...

The egg yolks and sugar whisked, almost white and fluffy, Vanilla sugar is added. While stirring, add buttermilk and optionally, lemon and junket. Tips: The taste of summer!

Desserts (cold) Sugar Bulb Water ...

Pears and sugar is poured into the Pan, where it slowly boils in. Season with sugar, depending on how mature pærene is. Tips: Sweet but fresh porridge.

Desserts (warm) Grill: ca. 3 min Pancakes-8 PCs Fine salt ...

Pancakes: whisk eggs, sugar and salt with cold water. Whisk the flour into the dough, is smooth. Stir the milk in pancake batter and let rest for about 20 mins. Caramel: Favor the sugar in an even layer in a cold Pan (approximately 21 cm in diameter). Let t

Cakes in form Elder-flowers Icing sugar Elderflower juice conc ...

Whip eggs and sugar foamy. Mix the flour, baking powder and skimmed milk powder and stir this mixture into the batter alternately with elderflower juice. Stir in the melted, cooled fat in the dough at the end. Divide the batter into a baking pan approximate

Cookies Eggs Butter Sugar ...

The nuts are blended into flour and mix with sugar. Melt the butter-egg whipped. Mix the butter with the sugar, then add the egg and nødemel. If the dough seems too loose, a little coarse flour is added. Put on baking sheet with spoon and bake approximat

Desserts (cold) Maple syrup Sugar Vaniliesukker ...

Take butter, flour, sugar, milk, syrup, sukkerer, oatmeal and mix it well together. so you must pick chocoladen, and throw it down and then you take a small smulle apelsin juice in and mix it well Afterwards you must turn on 200 G in about 20 mins. Tips: I