Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Appetizers Pepper Rosemary and Sage Salt ...

Heat the oven to 100 gr. Half the tomatoes and put them in a frying pan on baking paper. Heat the olive oil on a small forehead. Add chopped onion and garlic. Season until the bulbs are light golden and add sugar, chilli and herbs while stirring. Take the

Cakes Cinnamon Eggs Milk ...

Raised for 15 minutes. Bake at least shout for approx. 15 min. By 225 gr. Cool and decorate with glacier and candy.

Snacks Whipped cream Sugar Oatmeal ...

Mix it all together. tips: They taste really good, but they should preferably be cold and they are the best.

Cakes Eggs Salt Whipped cream ...

The thighs are sifted. The yeast is stirred in the cold milk. The egg is whipped together. Everything except the fat is well kneaded together. The dough is now rolled out immediately in a square of approximately ½ cm. Thickness. The fat is spread into small

Lunch Vinegar Marinated herring Onion ...

Raspberry, sugar and vinegar boil up. The herring is cut into small pieces (2 cm) and The cooled make and 2 pieces. Finely chopped onions come by. It all has to take 1 day.

Desserts (patisserie) 30 g finely chopped almonds. Whipped cream Breadcrumbs ...

Melt the butter in a saucepan Bring whipped cream, syrup and sugar into the pan and bring to a boil Boil on low heat and for at least 30 minutes - add rasp and possibly. almonds. Dress up a shape approx. 18 times 24 with baking paper and pour the cara

Salads 1 tbsp. Green tabasco sauce Pepper Salt ...

Boil the lentils with broth and garlic in plenty of water (the water should stand 5 cm above the lenses) for 35 - 40 minutes. Note that lenses must be solid - it is boring if they are dulled. After cooking, flush the lenses thoroughly through a door layer - th

Drinks (warm) Fresh lemon (not coated) Cinnamon stick Dried ginger ...

Put the following in a small saucepan: Komquats cut into slices. Must be demolished by the whole Ciron. Juice of whole lemon. The gingerbread piece either whole or grated on raw rice (you need about ½ teaspoon). Cinnamon sticks and Vanilla bars half lengthwi