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Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (cold) Cognac Apple juice or wine Prune plums ...

Take the stones out of the flowers and spread them in 1½ - 2 layers in a frying pan. Sprinkle with sugar and drip with apple juice. Put them in the oven at 75-85 gr for 4-5 hours. Stir some cognac in and keep in a cold

Salads Raisins Sunflower kernels Small chopped red onion ...

Sugar and Miracle Whip are mixed and the vinegar added. The rest comes in and the salad draws, like a couple of hours

Candy Syrup Margarine Sugar ...

1) All ingredients are boiled together with constant stirring until the mass is solid. 2) Pour the mass onto baking paper and cut / cut it out into squares when it has cooled a little. If the caramel mass is taken too early, they become soft. Taken it too

Cakes in form Baking soda Eggs Becel margerine ...

Whip first margerine and sugar together. Then mix the syrup, vanilla, cinnamon and baking soda in. Stir well. Add brown dumplings and eggs. Then stir very well. Mix flour and milk alternately and whip in the meantime. Stir until it is liquid. Behind it in

Cakes in form Dark chocolate 44% Baking soda Cinnamon, ground ...

Softened margarine and sugar are well-stirred to make it light and airy. The eggs are stirred for one at a time. Whip well between each egg. Wheat flour, baking soda, soda, vanilla sugar and cinnamon are mixed together in a bowl and sifted into the pulp. St

Cakes Or whipped cream White glaze Snitede almonds ...

The margarine chop in flour the eggs are added Together with the sugar yeast crumbles in or spread out in a bit of debw milk and the rest of the milk pipe is gradually rolled out to a large cookie that is laid on a greased plate. Sugar and cinnamon pours toge

Bread, buns & biscuits Water Wheat flour Yeast ...

Yeast, water pipes together. Melt the margarine and add the rest of the ingredients. The balls are shaped and raised for 3 hours (fold them as you fold socks, which makes them good, nice and airy). Bake at 200gr for 10-12min.

Cakes in form Whole milk Baking soda Desiccated coconut ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped frothy, melted chilled margarine. Pour flour and baking soda in and coconut flour alternately with milk. Bake in the frying pan approx. 23x33 cm. On the bottom groove for about 30-40 minutes at 170 degrees C. alm. oven. All ing