Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cookies Soda/bicarbonate Salt Vanilla sugar ...

1: Set the oven to 200 degrees Stir the butter and sugar together Add the eggs one at a time Stir salt, vanilla sugar and oatmeal in the dough. 2: Mix flour and Natron / Bicarbonate together and stir in the dough. Roughly chop the chocolate and mix it in

Pickling Sugar Pærermos ...

The bulbs are peeled, the flower and the core are removed. The pears are laid as they are peeled in cold water with a little vinegar in. They are picked up by the water, put into the pan and put over the fire with so much grave (hot white wine) that they ca

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Oil Sugar ...

The milk is warmed to about 37 degrees (hand lukewarm) and the yeast dissolves in the milk and the oil is poured. Bring flour, sugar and salt into a bowl and milk and oil are stirred in. Then the dough has to rest for about 20 minutes (more), now the bal

Cakes in form Baking soda Good chocolate Wheat flour ...

Whip eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar. Melt the butter. Mix flour, coconut flour and baking soda together and turn it into the egg mixture alternately with the butter. Mash the bananas with a fork in a deep speaker and turn them into the dough. Pour the dou

Cakes in form Little red color A little salt Unsweetened strawberries juice ...

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees. Whip flour, cocoa, sugar, baking soda, salt and soft butter with an electric whisk until a sandy consistency is obtained. Whip milk, egg and vanilla seeds together. Mix the dairy mixture together with the two-course butte

Bread, buns & biscuits A little milk for brushing, as well as a little extra oregano to sprinkle over bread before baking Yoghurt narturel Coarse salt ...

Sifted butter - pour it into a bowl and add milk and youghurt. Stir the yeast into the mixture and add the remaining ingredients (add the flour gradually afterwards until the dough drops). The dough is well grounded on a mashed table and shaped into a flat fla

Mains Olive oil or butter for frying Pepper Salt ...

Stir chicken fillets approx. 6-8 minutes depending on size in olive oil or butter at medium heat. Put them on a dish for themselves or keep them warm in the oven. Cut the mango fruit in the tern at approx. 2x2 cm. Stir the mango fruit on a pan with medium he

Desserts (warm) Sugar Jams Pandekagedej ...

Make small pancakes of your pancake pie (eg rasmus lump pancake pie). When you finish the dough, start cutting the pancake so it looks like a pumpkin's head. Low f.kes. Small evil eyes, nose, mouth with crushing teeth or sweet eyes, nose and happy mouth. Then