Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Lunch Or a dollop of jam in every horn The sausage horn 0.5 per sausage horn Milk ...

Turn on the oven and set it on 225o. Put the margarine in a bowl and chop it into pieces with a ladle. Com also flour, sugar, salt and baking powder in Bowl and agitate everything together with your hands, so it's going to look like grated cheese. Pour the mil

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Small glass of oil Salt ...

Stir all the ingredients together except the flour and then add the flour until the dough is soft. The dough is rolled out thinly and cut into small pieces which are then fried in oil until loaves are golden.

Desserts (cold) Pineapple leaves Water Lime juice from here ...

Dissolve the sugar in småkogende water, and let it cool to room temperature. Inserts ananassen into smaller pieces, and purer with hand blender or in food processor. Add sugar and lime juice, pureed ananaskød water and stir it together. Pour it all through a s

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice Ripe pineapple Strawberry ...

Boil water and sugar to a pickle to cool. Both pineapple cut into slices. Peeled off and the stick is removed. Saved 2 slices for garnish. The rest blended into a fine mash and mix with the sugar syrup and lemon juice. The mixture is poured into a freeze form.

Cakes in form Sugar Desiccated coconut Torn marzipan ...

8 stiffly whipped egg whites and 100 g sugar 50 g desiccated coconut and tossed with 75 g of grated marzipan. Put it in the oven for 7 minutes at 180 C and cool afterwards.

Mains Table salt Paprika Pepper ...

Brown meat in butter. Add the chilies and garlic and simmer a few minutes. Add the rest of the spices and babies with water. Let it boil about 15 minutes until meat is tender. Wash the potatoes and share them in half. Put potatoes in a baking pan. Mix the c

Soups Water Sugar Mangos ...

Peel mangoerne and remove the stones. Inserts a in neat slices and put to one side. The other two run in the blender together with sugar and water. Benefit the soup into 4 bowls, put the mango slices and top with a ball of vanilla ice cream.

Soups Sugar Limes Fresh strawberries ...

Peel mango fruits gently and cut them from the stone into small pieces. Got it in a blender along with the sugar and water and blend to a fine puree. SI pureen and style the cold. Stir in the before serving and add possibly quite a bit icy water if it is too t